(3x10) Overlooked, Part 1.

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~Not Edited~


Love someone who trusts you more than they trust themselves. 

~Layla Hale~

Chapter begins:

I ran into the loft, praying to god Derek is there. "Derek!" I called out looking around the whole entire house. What if something happened to him on his way back? What if Jennifer did something to him. I sighed grabbing my phone unlocking it as i paced back and forth. 

But then i bumped into a hard chest, i looked up to see Derek staring down at me and the first thing i did was pull him into a hug, i sighed in relief, he wrapped his arms around me. "Thank god you're okay." I whispered in his shoulder. 

He hugged me tighter, inhaling my scent. "What's wrong? He asked as we pulled away, his arm still around my waist. 

I ran a shaky hand through my hair letting out a shaky breath. "The darach." I said shakily, pausing trying not to shake anymore, Derek cupped my cheeks looking down at me worriedly "The Darach is Jennifer." I told him. 

He looked surprised then shook his head. "It can't be her." Derek said, i sighed. "It's not her." I looked at him in shock. 

"Derek! She is the darach! You have to believe me! Are you going to believe her over your own wife?" I asked, Derek sighed rubbing his forehead. 

"I-i didn't mean it like th-" He was cut off by a female voice. 

"Derek?" The female voice called out, me and Derek looked at each other. "Derek, where are you?" Jennifer called out, i clenched my jaw and balled my hand into a fist. 

"I'll go to her, stay here." He said getting ready to go, but i grabbed his arm shaking my head. 

"No! I'm not leaving you alone with her." I whispered, he sighed and grabbed my hand we walked right behind her. 

I removed my hand from his crossing them. "Right here." He said making her spin around and look at us. 

She stared at me with wide eyes as i raised an eyebrow at her, sending her a glare. "What are you doing here?" She asked making me chuckle sarcastically. 

"Shouldn't i be asking you that? I mean this is where i live." I smirked, looking at her nervous reaction. 

She turned and looked at Derek. "Look you have to trust me." She said. 

I smirked at her, sending her a fake smile. "Prepare for some bullshit." I muttered under my breath, she looked at me and i acted like i didn't say anything. 

"I need to tell you! Since you're the only one that trusts me." She said making me snort, Derek shot me a look and i shrugged innocently beside him. 

"Go on love! I'm sure you have a lot of bullshit to say." I said with a fake 'kind' tone. 

"Something happened at the recital. At school." She told him, i fake yawned. 

"Wow, you're boring at telling stories and you're a teacher." I smirked. "I'll help you with story, since you're miss little boring." Derek sent me a look and i ignored it. "Let's see ah! You tried killing Lydia, hmm then fought my brother and oh right! I forgot you hit the back of my neck making me pass out and then tied me to a chair." She glanced at Derek shaking her head. 

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