(4x01) The Dark Moon.

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~Not Edited~


Treat your love life like your beginning. 


Chapter begins:

(Layla's outfit on top)

The three of us were walking down the road of Mexico by the three of us I mean, Stiles, Lydia and me. It's been months since Allison and Aiden died it still gets to me thinking about the two of them. Anyways the reason why me and the other two are in Mexico is because Derek is missing. 

Yes, my husband is missing, I've been so freaking worried about him and once I noticed he wouldn't pick up my calls nor did I see him for like weeks, I decided to call Scott and told him about it. 

We had to lie to our parents to make up a plan to find him. I felt his pain the night I never saw him again which makes my heart ache and Lydia wasn't helping either by saying she thinks he is dead. 

"This doesn't seem bad." Stiles broke the silence. 

I stopped walking the same time the other two did. "It's not the town." Lydia responded. "It's the plan." He looks over at her. 

"What's wrong with the plan?" Stiles asked. 

"Stiles." She began. "This could be the stupidest plan we've ever come up with. You're aware of that, right Layla?" She asked making me look over at her. 

"I'll do anything to know that my husband is safe." I told her, crossing my arms. 

Stiles sighed beside me. "I'm aware it's not our best." Stiles admitted, and I nodded in agreement. 

I continued walking with the other two by my side. "Are you saying that as a Banshee or you're just being pessimistic?" Stiles wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 

"I'm saying it as a person who doesn't wanna die." Let's pray to god we don't lose someone else. 

"Okay." Stiles responded.  "Would you just mind restricting any talk of death to actual Banshee predictions?" I rolled my eyes at the both of them. 

 "This plan is stupid and we're going to die."

 "Oh, thank you." 

 "Mmm." We continued walking for a few minutes, Stiles lead us towards this dangerous looking alley way. 

We came to a stop in front of the building that we finally found, there were two men in front of the door as soon as they saw us they blocked the door from us. Lydia is right we're going to die. 

"Great there is no way we can get past those two." Stiles whispered, I rolled my eyes taking a step forward as the two men looked at me. 

I started a conversation with them in Spanish and It was useless they ended up shaking their heads, I sighed looking over at Stiles. 

Stiles looked back at me before taking out the card, it was Chris' idea and I'm praying to god it will work. I looked over at the camera before looking over at Stiles who held the car up to the camera. 

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