(3x22) De-Void.

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~Not Edited~


Never shall I forget the days I spent with you. Continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours.


Chapter begins:

I squeezed Derek's hand watching, Mr.Stilinski take handcuffs out. "You want to handcuff me?" Stiles asked in panic, this is not the real him. 

We can't let it fool us. "If my son is still here." Mr.Stilinski took slow steps towards him. "If there's still a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me, because he knows I'm here to protect him from himself and from others." He handcuffed Stiles' hands as Stiles slowly looked up with a dark look on his face. "You're not my son." Mr.Stilinski told him. 

Stiles broke the handcuffs causing us all to walk in, Stiles let out a laugh. Allison went over trying to taser him but failed miserably. He took it from her throwing it, I watched Derek let go of my hand and shift growling at him as he stormed towards Stiles. 

Possessed Stiles quickly grabbed Derek's arm twisting it, as Derek yelled out his pain, I hissed when pain shot up in my arm holding it tightly. I watched him break Derek's arm. Stiles grabbed him slamming Derek's head into the table. "Stiles!" I yelled out, he looked at me throwing Derek towards a pole. 

He smirked coming towards me, I stood there frozen as evil Stiles tried grabbing me but stopped when Chris came in front of me with his gun aimed at Stiles. "Chris, what are you doing?" I asked in panic. 

"Argent, listen to me." Mr.Stilinski ordered as he held his hand up. "Don't do this." He pleaded. 

"Why not?" He asked, making my heart stop. "I've done it before." Derek slowly stood up.  "Werewolves, berserkers." There is no point in shooting! He could kill the real Stiles! "I can easily add a nogitsune to the list." Sheriff pulls his gun out and aiming it at Chris. 

Nogitsune had a satisfying look on his face, this was all a game to him. "You're not gonna shoot my son." Sheriff told him. 

"You said it yourself, sheriff." Chris started. "That's not your son." He pointed out. 

"Put it down!" Sheriff ordered with force. 

I moved away from behind Chris and beside him. "Put it down, Chris." I whispered, he looked over at me then at Sheriff. 

I gasped when I saw Stiles' real face appearing. "Dad, he's going to shoot me." I was confused not knowing if this was the real Stiles or the nogitsune. "He's going to kill me dad." I took a slow step forwards but stopped. 

"Don't listen." Chris glanced at me and Sheriff. 

"Put it down." Sheriff told him again. "Now! Do it! Put it down!" Sheriff demanded. 

Stiles looked over at Chris. "Pull the trigger." Stiles told him taking a step closer to him, I stumbled back next to Chris. "Come on." My heart stopped at the words. 

"Listen to me, you put the gun down now!" Sheriff shouted. 

"Shoot me." I know exactly what he's doing, he's playing his game. 

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