(4x09) Perishable.

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~Not Edited~


Isn't it sad when you get hurt so much, you can finally say "I'm used to it."


Chapter begins:

"You have to tell him, Layla!" Lydia argued, I sighed running a hand through my hair, as I walked over to the couch with the pregnancy test in my hand, I threw it in my purse. "You have to listen to me, he has ever right to know." I turned around and looked at her. 

"Lydia, please." My voice was broken, she stopped and looked at me with her face softening. "Just keep this between the both of us until I figure something out." I begged, she looked at me with a disappointed look. "Lydia, my mind isn't at the right place and I need you to help me." She pulled me into a hug as I started crying again. 

She rubbed my back. "It's okay." She whispered. "I'll keep this between us, I promise." She whispered in my hair. "Let's go to my house, you can sleep there tonight." I nodded my head, grabbing my purse as we walked out of the house and towards her car. 

Lydia had to lie to her mom and tell her the test was negative in case she tells my mom, I hissed in pain grabbing my mark, causing Lydia to glance at me then back at the road. "Are you okay?" She asked. 

I nodded. "Yeah, i'm fine." I looked down at the mark. "My wolf is depressed." I mumbled under my breath before looking out the window. You're not the only that's depressed. My phone vibrated for the twentieth time, taking my phone out to see Derek calling, I turned off my phone and threw it in my bag. crossing my arms and letting the tears fall from my eyes. 


(3rd Pov)

Derek was examining Parrish's hands, he looked distressed, his eyes were red from all the tears of yesterday. He didn't all night wondering where his wife was, all he could feel was hurt and loneliness in his heart. He thought it was a nightmare but realized it was a reality. 

He was empty without her, he felt like a nobody. "He covered you in gasoline?" Derek asked, as Lydia who was next to him, glanced at him looking at him with sadness noticing how stressed out he was but at the same time she didn't care he broke her best friend's heart. 

Parrish was also in the dead pool list and one of his 'friends' tried killing him last night. "It's the hair and nails, isn't it?" She asked. "The parts of the body that are essentially dead." Lydia pointed out, as Derek looked at her making her send him a glare before looking back at Parrish. 

"Well they should be gone." Derek said. 

"I was set on fire." Parrish exclaimed. "All of me should be gone." He told the two. 

"Not if you're like us." Scott said, coming into view. 

He walked beside him. "Like you?" Parrish asked, raising an eyebrow. 

Derek looked at Scott. "I don't think he's like us." He was wondering if Scott knew about what happened, if Layla ever told him. But If she did Scott would've had Derek's head. Only if she would let him explain they could solve it together. 

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