(4x04) The Benefactor.

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~Not Edited~


I'll always stick by your side but only if you trust me. 


Chapter begins:

I jolted awake gasping air as sweat ran down my body, I turned my head to see Derek gone. I jumped when I heard my phone ring next to I reached over picking it up to see Scott calling me. I quickly answered it. 

"Hello?" I said, still out of breath. 

"Layla? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. 

I ran a hand through my hair looking around the loft in fright. "Yeah, I-I just had a nightmare." I stuttered still feeling fright raise in me. "About mute." I closed my eyes. 

"Hey, calm down." I sighed. "Look you're safe since you're with Derek." I chuckled. 

"Derek isn't here i'm home alone." I responded, as I played with my necklace. 

He was silent for a few seconds. "If it makes you feel better come over." Stiles' voice was heard. "We kind of need your help." I sighed not knowing what these idiots did. 

"Let me change." I told them before hanging up the phone getting out of bed  and grabbed a tank top, leggings, shoes, and one of Derek's jacket before walking out of the house. 

I walked down the street, feeling paranoid making me continue to look behind me as I walked in the middle of the night. The question that kept replaying in my head was where is Derek? I sent him a text and all he said was he's with sheriff. 

I ran towards my mom's house, and opened it not wanting to knock. I quietly shut the door before walking up the stairs, I went towards Scott's room opening the door revealing them sitting on the bed talking. 

"Scott?" I walked in shutting the door behind me. 

He stood up pulling me into a hug. "Hey." He said nervously, making me narrow my eyebrows. 

"What did you two need help w-" I cut myself off when I heard muffles and shuffling in Scott's bathroom. I glanced between Stiles and Scott who were nervous as hell. "What's going on in the bathroom." I stalked towards it. 

"Layla! No!" Scott whisper yelled, I shot him a look before opening it and walking in to a sight that made my jaw and eyes widen. 

"Scott!" I yelled, Stiles and Scott quickly walked in the bathroom shutting the door behind them. 

"Shh!" Scott hissed. 

I slapped him multiple times on the chest. "You kidnapped him!?" I shouted not caring if my mom was in the house or not. "What the hell is wrong with you two?" I looked back at a tapped Liam, he was looking at me with hope. "Did you not learn from last time when you kidnapped Jackson!?" I slapped the both of them on the back of the head this time.

They both hissed before holding their slapped spot, we turned and looked at Liam who was grunting. "Liam, we're going to take the tape off your mouth." Stiles said walking up to him. "If you scream, it goes right back on. If you talk quietly, it stays off. Got it?" He sounds like a creepy criminal! Liam nodded his head. "Okay." Stiles took the tape off his mouth. 

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