(3x21) The Fox and The Wolf.

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~Not Edited~


When you let go of the horrible memories it feels like you're free from the chains that were holding you back. 


Chapter begins:

I gasped waking up from my nightmare, I sighed running a hand through my hair, I grabbed my robe tying it around my body as I walked out of my room to see a dark living room, I sighed walking towards the kitchen taking out a bottle of water from the fridge. 

When I shut the fridge door I almost screamed. "Peter! What the hell!?" I smacked his arm. 

He smirked. "You'd be terrible if I was a serial killer." He said, making me roll my eyes. 

"Yeah, you're not." He nodded his head. "You're a psycho serial killer." I told him sweetly as he shot me a look. 

"I could kill you if I was a psycho serial killer." He said, I chuckled opening the cap of water before taking a sip. 

"That's because you know if you touch me Derek's will kill you again." I winked before walking away towards my room and shutting the door behind me. 

I got into my bed taking my phone off the nightstand going through messages, to see a message from my mom telling me she loved me and good night like four hours ago, I got a text from Scott telling me if I was safe like an hour ago. 

I replied to my mom saying I loved her too, I texted Scott telling him I was at the loft safe. And i'm pretty sure if a killer came to kill, they would kill Peter first. I mean who wouldn't i'm tempted to kill him now. 

I yawned putting my phone on the nightstand before laying down grabbing Derek's pillow cuddling with it as his scent filled my nose, how much I miss him, I haven't seen him in four days and it feels like weeks.


It's been four days since I last saw Derek, which sucked. But right now I got a call saying that Chris and him are going to be released today, which I quickly got out of bed and threw on my clothes (Outfit on top) then curled my hair and did my makeup.

I grabbed my phone slipping it into my back pocket before walking out of the bedroom, I grabbed Derek's keys and walked out, unlocking Derek's car before jumping in and strapping my seatbelt and driving off to the station. 

I parked the car at the parking lot hopping out and locking it behind me before entering looking around to see Derek and Chris in a full conversation, I walked towards them and hugged Derek from the back, he quickly turned around looking down at me. "I've missed you." He said wrapping his arms around me kissing my forehead and inhaling my scent. 

"I missed you too." I looked up kissing his lips before turning to look over at Chris. "Good see you again." I flashed him a smile. 

"You too." He sent me a small smile. 

I looked back at Derek who was staring down at me with love. Parrish walked towards us as Derek wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest while kissing my head. He handed them their belongings. 

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