(3x15) Galvanize.

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When he's with me i feel like everything is okay. 

~Layla Hale.~ 

Chapter Begins: 

The three of us finally made it back to Beacon hills, Derek stopped his car in front of my mom's house since my clothes and stuff are there i decided to stay for a day then move back in with Derek. 

I turned to Derek smiling. "Bye." I said leaning over kissing his lips, when we both pulled away there was a smile on his face. "Help Peter with his finger." I told him opening the car door.

"I will, bye love you." He said when i jumped out of the car. 

"I love you too." I shut the passenger seat before turning around walking up to the porch, waving at Derek as he drove off, i bit my lip walking inside. I quietly shut the door tippy toeing my way upstairs. 

I sighed in relief when i made it towards my room opening it and closing it behind me. "Thank- oh god!" I yelled when the lights turned on revealing my mom with crossed arms sitting on my bed. "Mom?" I clutched onto my chest. 

"Where were you?" She asked, i played with my fingers nervously. "I know Scott was lying when he said you were at a friends house, tell me where were you." She demanded, i sighed in defeat. 

"Derek was in danger, so i went to mexico and saved him." I told her like it wasn't a big deal. 

"You can't just put yourself in danger like that." She scolded. 

"I'm not going to let my husband die." I ran a hand through my hair. "All that matters is that we're both okay and he's back, mom i'm really tired i'll talk to you tomorrow." I told her, she sighed and nodded. 

She stood up from my bed walking over to me kissing my forehead. "Get some rest." She said before walking out of my room shutting the door behind her. 

I threw my phone on my bed stripping out of clothes grabbing my black lacy nightgown, slipped it on and walked over to the bathroom cleaning my makeup off and brushing my teeth, when i was done, i walked over to my bed laying down and putting the blankets over me. 

I smiled closing my eyes slowly drifting to sleep knowing Derek was back. 


I rolled over not being able to sleep since i had another stupid nightmare, i jumped when i heard my phone buzz, sighing while i reached for my phone who would call in the middle of the night, reading the caller I.D of course! How could i forget Stiles. 

"Hello?" I answered. 

"Get your ass to school." Stiles said making me look at the clock to see it's midnight. 

"I'm not coming to school! It's midnight, that's the time where us normal people sleep." I told him, i could see him roll his eyes right now. "What do you need me for? Why do i need to come?" I asked, laying back down. 

"Don't you remember!? Coach's birthday." Scott said, i forgot about that...

"Oh." That's all i said. 

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