//sixty nine

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i made sure to lock the door on the way out of my room. i hid the papers with the keys and such, hopefully josh wouldn't find them.

since i was running off of a few hours of sleep, i was irritable the whole day. i decided that i should take a break from everything and relax at the pool, so that's what i did.

i put on my new swimsuit, a plain black string bikini. although i felt exposed, i didn't feel like buying a new one from the shop. hopefully i wouldn't bump into josh.

i stayed on a chair, making sure it was down all the way so i could get an even tan. i occasionally felt the mist of the pool water lane on me, and it was quite relaxing. i only had a few more days on this boat before i was going to go back to the u.s. it. made me kind of sick to think about that.

"hey, ma'am?" i heard a sing-song voice speak up. it sounded oddly familiar. i opened my eyes to see brendon urie. i almost gasped in surprise, but kept my cool and sat up. "yes?"

"i-um-was wondering if you would like to get a drink or something" he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "and i'll pay for it" he said before i could even open my mouth.

"sure" i smiled gently at him. i didn't want to be rude to him by declining, and i was also probably in need for some alcohol right now. nothing would get out of hand, right? but the devious smile that i failed to catch on brendon's face would say otherwise.

he was in a fight with josh. brendon had told him over and over not to convince tyler to commit suicide, but josh failed to listen. now brendon was going to achieve something before josh could.

it was around my fourth bottle of beer when i felt dizzy. brendon, being smart, decided to only have two bottles. he had high alcohol tolerance as well, so for him to get at my state would take double as many as i drank.

"hey brendon..." i slurred, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"want to take this to my room?" brendon asked, gently caressing my cheek.

"s-sure" i sighed. brendon guided me to his room and set me on the bed.

am i too scared to write smut? yes, yes i am. did i think about writing it while writing this chapter? yes. do i want to disappoint you more than i already have? no.

sorry sinners.

forced // tyler joseph x readerWhere stories live. Discover now