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I was looking through my vines and a name popped up saying that someone revined my vine. I couldn't read the name because it was a different language.

I clicked on the users stuff and they revined a lot of this guy called @WeeklyChris and some were sweet and some were funny. I looked up this guy and the more I seen of him, the more I fell in love.

I followed him on vine, and everyday I watch his videos just to make my day better. I'm not a creep, because there are tons of other girls like me.

I saw that he had a YouTube channel by his vine he posted, and went to check it out. I found out about his life, and the real Christian Collins.

I just loved hearing his voice and seeing his smile. Every video could make me crawl in a ball and die from how amazing he is. His smile can lighten up the most angry and unhappy man in the world, so I believe.

I followed him on Instagram and tagged him in a photo, but wasn't so sure he would ever want to see it, or ever have the time to look at it.

I went on with the same thing every day. Listening to his covers, vines, going to school happy. I would come home from school feeling great, and work on my homework feeling appreciated.

Until the day my birthday came, I was turning 16 and my mother knew how much I liked him, so she got me "tickets" to go see him.

By "tickets", I mean plane tickets. TO CANADA! And no, we weren't going to stalk him because my mother, so happy she's in my life, knows people. She didn't tell me who, and said we can stay at their house for a month. Well, at least I will.

My mother is going on a business trip and needed someone to watch me full time because my dad had a wedding to take care of, and a funeral for 2 weeks in Hawaii. Yeah I know, my family is busy!

I am so scared, yet so happy about my present. I'm going to pack right away. I leave TOMORROW!

Tomorrow I'm flying there and going to meet "the love of my life", so I call him. I'm a normal teenager with a big dash of fangirl in it. Oops. God must of added too much of that.

I can't wait! A month with Chris! How did my mother do this? I don't know. All she said was she knew people and to not ask about it again. But I will get it out of her.

I lay in bed to get some rest because I have to be up at 6:30 a.m.. I want to be able to look good, and try not to over do it. I just hope that he will like me.

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