
3.6K 101 16

I woke up to a major headache. Ow. Was all I could think. I got up to look for some pills but nobody was up. If I did and someone woke up, I didn't want them thinking anything... you understand me?

I just sat there bored. I decided to get on my phone. I clicked on Twitter and seen I had 2000 followers through the night. How?

I looked through them and noticed most of them had "collins" in their names. Oh, so they are fans of his.

But how did they know about me? I asked myself. Sometimes I talk to myself because I'm a loser and have nobody.

I seen that Chris tagged me in a tweet. It was a picture of me sleeping. Oh no he didn't! I clicked on it and instantly went wide eyed.

"@ilikeyourface sleeping and looked cold so I wrapped a blanket around her. Adorable. :)"

I couldn't believe it. Why! I looked awful in that photo. Ew! How could I be adorable? No.

I got off and went to Instagram to post because I haven't for 3 days and that isn't like me. my followers might get worried! Ha, if I had any.

I then seen that I had 3k. whuuh? Omg. I finally feel popular. Important. Special. Loved! And I looked to see who was following me and I seen Hayes Grier and Nash. They frickin are following me! Today is my day man.

'Wait, if I have this many followers than he must of put something on here also! And I searched him up and there to find, a picture of me. Almost like the one he posted on Twitter but only I like this one better.

Because the blanket was covering half of my face. Hehe. I just couldn't believe he was the one to put the blanket on me last night though.

I decided to go to the bathroom and check myself out to see what I looked like before anyone woke up. It is already 1:46.

I heard footsteps walking down the stairs. Where do I go? Oh geesh! I run near the closet room. Luckily, it was the other bathroom.

{By the way that twitter name was not mine. Just to let you know! And also guess what! Chris Collins mother is following me though! I swear I died. ☺️😘}

Could he see?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt