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"What do you mean by Maria did it?" Chris was now standing next to my bed. I had told him that Maria had lied because before I passed out I had seen Maria standing there smiling.

Chris shook his head. "No, you're being childish." He was shaking his head even more. I don't know if he was trying to not believe it or if he was actually getting upset and loosing control. Maybe he has terets? HAH..

"I'm being childish?" I raise my voice squinting my eyes in disgust. If anybody is being childish, it's him.

"Maria couldn't have done it, she saved you!" Chris moved over to the chair next to me. He sat his hands on his head. I could tell thoughts were processing.

"Just because she kissed my brother, does not mean she would stoop this low." His voice was shaken. He seemed afraid, afraid of loosing someone from his past. He might have hated her now but that doesn't mean he never loved her then.

"Chris, why don't you believe me?" I was tearing up. Tears filling my eyes, made it hard to see what Chris was doing.

"Because!" His voice got loud.

I tensed up by the shock, his voice had changed. He was up to 100 and need to be down to 20.

"Because why!" I spat back at him. Rage was all I felt. How could we go to loving to hating in less than thirty seconds. It's sickening.

"Because I loved her!" He trailed off his sentence. Regret filled his eyes as they teared up.

I had no expression. The only feelings I had left were for him. I felt nothing. Pain, maybe..

"You LOVED her, that does not mean you still do!" My face showed anger towards him. My tears running along my cheek, kissing at the side of my nose.

He staggered for a minute in thoughts. By now he was standing up, tears in his eyes, and believe me when I say there was tension in the air.

"This is stupid." He grunted while walking over to pick his jacket up.

"Where are you going?" I was wondering through what just happened. This can't be happening..

"Your mouth doesn't know how to stay quiet does it?" He yelled. I jolted by the sudden loudness that was going on.

"Chris." My eyes were never this glossy. I felt more and more tears fall. By the time Chris stormed out, I was bawling.

I have never thought Chris would do this. It hurts me more than anything to see the guy who was always there, even through videos. The guy that made me laugh and smile, that just made my day. The guy that I had always dreamed about being with... That guy that I felt so strong about..

Had just left me.

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