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My eyes were stinging by the time I had woken up. Being next to Chris while waking up, I could get used to.

But reality kicked in, and I realized that today was the day... The day that I go back home.

I haven't seen my mother in forever. It is going to be different without Stacy around anymore..

I am happy but sad at the same time.

The things I have went through with everyone here in Canada.. Amazing to think about.

I have had the greatest times in my life while I was away.

The weird thing is, Just a few months ago, Chris was my world.. But only behind a computer screen. When it turned out being him that I was staying with, my entire world had flipped around.

Don't get me wrong, Chris will always be my world. No matter what, he was the one who lifted up my sorrow and brought my smile back where it belonged.

"Good morning beautiful." Chris's low, raspy voice spoke so softly.

"Good morning handsome." I stared at his amazing green eyes. I could stare at them all day.

"When are you going to be leaving me today?" He had his eyes closed, still just waking up. But he was awake enough to listen and talk.

"Sadly, 2 hours." I started tearing up slightly.

He opened his eyes and leaned up to support me. "Hey, don't cry." His voice was so sweet.

"Sorry.. I just can't think about leaving this place. I mean like, I'm happy to go back home but, I have just been so used to here... you know?" My tears stopped after I was done talking.

Christian held me tight and just spoke softly so both of us could hear. "I will always be here for you, even if we are not together physically, emotionally we are. I don't want you sad or anything negative. Just smile that amazing smile and stay happy for me, alright?" He looked into my eyes and didn't break contact once.

"Promise me." No question there. Chris was dead serious.

"Well I know that I'm going to cry when we are leaving but other then that, I promise." I gave my word.

He chuckled and payed back down. "You know you always have a way to make a serious moment, just so adorable." He was smiling so cute. I just wanted to punch his cheeks, but we are not at that level just yet..

Stacy came in and smiled at us while walking in the kitchen.

"So your mother is coming in an hour and a half.. Just wanted to let you know." Stacy was facing the opposite way of me doing something.

"I thought I had a little more time.." I spoke. I was hoping that she had forgotten the time or made a mistake.

"Well your mother had called me to tell you that she got to leave earlier so she's driving now to get you. But it will be a while." She smiled slightly at me.

I'm going to miss the small talk I had with her in the mornings. Or the makeup tutorials with Karisma. And the burp contests with Crawford at night. Chris does not know about that and he isn't going to.

This was my moment to take everything in and enjoy the last moments that I can with them. To take in all the Canadian feelings. Even thought that isn't a real thing...

I'm just going to miss it all.

But I will get to see Christian again soon! And that is what I can't wait for.

"Lacy, let's make a YouTube video." Chris shocked me with those words.

"A YouTube video? You mean, I get to be in a video with THE WeeklyChris?" I emphasized THE.

"Yes." He short answered.

"We haven't this entire time because I have been so busy with you and all, and the fans have been asking all about you and asking for us to make one together and now that we are together... I mean, why not?" Chris held both my hands and spoke words that just flew right in one ear and out the other.

"Lacy please?" He was pouting his lip and acting so darn cute.

"Even if I said yes, what video would it be and what about?"

"Girlfriend and Boyfriend tag. See how well we know each other from the time we have been together." He smiled at me.

"Okay, but we have to do this fast." I hope this is not a bad idea.. This should be fun.

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