Marias POV

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Stacy left 3 hours ago to check on that fake chick. I hate her. Lacy is a fake and will never be as close as Chris and I were. Me and Chris were a package deal until I made one tiny mistake. Kissing his brother isn't as bad as you think. He takes things too seriously and just needs to stop at everything.

What does he see in Lacy anyway? She is so.... GAH! I just don't think that Chris is all in there. You know, like his mind? He is changing as well and I don't like it. Lacy has brainwashed them all into thinking she is as good as gold. But, I brainwashed Chris and Crawford's mother into liking me.

Stacy opened up the door dragging me out of my thoughts. "Hello!" I got up and hugged her as always. "Hey!" She walked into her room. I made sure she was gone before my fake smile faded. Stacy is so nice but annoying. Why have me over to garden? Like really? You couldn't ask for anything else?

"You hungry?" She pointed to me coming out of the rooms while fast walking to the kitchen. "Maybe some toast?" I sweetly asked. She nodded and into the trap she went. "Where is Chris or Crawford?" I looked around the room as a sign that I was looking for them. But in all honesty, I'm not.

"Oh! Crawford is out eating with some friends while Chris stayed at the hospital." She said pushing down the toaster lever. "Chris stayed there with Lacy? You trust them that much?" I blurted out. I hope she doesn't think I'm crazy. I now regret it.

She looked at me confused. "Lacy is hurt all through her body, they aren't going anywhere." She rose an eyebrow at me. "True." I brushed out the conversation.

Stacy carried along on making my toast as I was on my phone, Twitter. I stalked some of Chris's fans and favorited some stuff they said about him. I wish I was as nice as them. I smirked knowing I have too much negativity.

My life is only how it is because of my parents sending me to Culinary school for a semester last year. I then had family problems and they eventually split up. All because of me. Ever wonder why I don't follow the "Love" rule? Now you have the answer.

"Maria, can you get a plate out please?" I nodded getting up. Thinking about my family makes me upset and emotional, so I teared up a little. Stacy seen and felt bad so she came and hugged me. "Everything okay hun? It's alright, I'm here for you." I cried even harder than before. "Should have never agreed to my parents sending me away, I should have never came over here and I should have never hurt her." My loud mouth blurted out faster than a cannon.

"Wait, hurt who?" she held my shoulders looking me in the eyes confused. My tear stained cheeks were still soaked and my brain couldn't process much at the moment. "Nothing." I barely could breathe. Being all under pressure and all is annoying. "Okay, but you should go wash up and take a nap, it's getting late." She looked like she had something on her mind.

I walked in the room with a plate of toast. I threw the toast away and made a gag look with my mouth. Not eating her stupid food.

I got underwater in the shower and let the steam fill the room before I was completely finished. That was something that I really needed, a hot shower. Lacy doesn't even know I did it. I was the one to put her where she is now. And look who got off the hook here? ME!

I am an angel

And nobody is going to find out.

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