Who knew

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Crawford noticed me walking downstairs and got up a little too fast. "Couldn't sleep?" I asked him. "Nope." he replied with a grin.

"What's your reason?" he questioned. "Just, i sort of um... got scared." I had never thought about saying that but I just did.

"Really? Me too." and he looked down.

"So, you and Chris?" He winks. "What about us?" I say as I sit down on the couch.

"Well... I see the way you guys look at each other." Don't know how he seen it but I didn't. Well, I don't think I did? "And how is that?" A smirk showed on his face. "When he walked down I seen you shaking. He looked at you and I seen the spark." He stood back up and started walking in the kitchen. I followed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I smiled. "But I do." He quietly spoke as he walked back upstairs.

I felt lonely and just decided to sleep down here since I was scared of the room. I don't even know why..

I just couldn't sleep at all. I was lost in my thoughts like my mind was taking over. Have you ever felt that? Happens to me a lot. It sucks.

I got up and decided to look around a little bit. Everything was so in order. I seen a picture of Chris and his sister- I guessed. I'm still kinda new at all of this.

I seen a picture that was hanging on the fridge. It had little kid handwriting and didn't have a name on it.

It was of a little stick figure boy and a stick figure girl together "holding hands" and a heart under them.

Inside the heart was a C+?= major cooties. 'Aw that's cute' I thought to myself.

I found a phone and pressed the home button to see who's it was. The picture was of Chris. So I guessed it was his. Cute. I had other thoughts also but let's not get to those..

I seen if it was locked and it didn't have a passcode. He seems like someone who would.

It was directly on Instagram and I seen a lot of his comments of fans. Wow. I felt like being kind and replied to some of them. Might just save someone's life.

I clicked out of it and went to pictures. Scrolling through all 1000, one caught my eye. It was of me and him while we were little. Singing into our fake microphones.

I smiled at this and couldn't believe he still had it. After all these years he remembered me and I forgot all about him. I feel bad.

I went back to where it was in the beginning and left it. I fell asleep on the couch but was cold.

I remember waking up to warmth breezing across from my body. But didn't see who or what it was. All I know was I was sleeping like a baby.

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