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I woke up in someone else's bed and had a huge headache and my foot was wrapped up. I tried moving but couldn't.

I opened my eyes widely and seen a whole bunch of different flowers. What? I was confused.

Chris came in a second later. "You're awake!" and he bumped my shoulder playfully. "yeah! I am! Now what are all these flowers for?" I questioned.

"Well, while you were out I posted a pick of you saying you were hurt and told them to send some things to make you better. Oh! And by the way, you have 37 letters in a bag out there." he said pointing out of his room.

His fans did this for me? holy fudge cakes. I can't believe it. "Surprise." Chris made a big wave with his hands and started laughing after he said that. So I did too.

"Wow, They really bought all of these?." and he nodded. Just, I don't understand why his fans would give me all of this when I'm not even as popular as him. Compared to him, I'm a nobody.

"They care about my friends and family, but for you, it's more like childhood girl." and he winked and shook his head. "Just kidding." And he laughed and sat down next to me.

I started cracking up when out of the blue, you hear Brent fart in the hallway. Me and him start to just loose it. "You okay?" Chris asks him."Im alright, thanks." and Chris chuckles. Hmm.

Chris looked at me in the eyes and we just stared at each other for a good 3 minutes. Until his mom ,Stacy, interrupts. "Sorry, was I interrupting something? Because I can just leave you guys alone again if you want." and I shook my head and smiled.

She walked in and sat down next to Chris. She put her head on his shoulder and pouted. Are you alright, sweetie?" and I grinned. "Yeah, thanks," and she just smiled in return.

"Well, instead of you guys just being stuck here in the house worrying if I'm okay, you all should go and have fun!" I said. And I wanted them to have fun but I wanted Chris to stay.

His mom agreed. "Chris you want to come with us?" And he looked back "No thanks, I'll just stay here with Lacy." and she understood.

"Chris please go!" Brent begged him but Chris kept telling him no. Stacy had to pull him out of the house so he would leave us alone.

I giggled when Brent made that big dramatic seen about how much he's going to miss Chris. So adorable. Chris looked at me and looked down at my lips, then back at my eyes.

I knew it was some type of signal but I freaked out and broke the silence. "So uh, tell me about yourself." and he grinned and nodded. "Alright."

And he looked up at me. "I'm Chris, I make YouTube vi-" and I cut him off. "No, like something only Brent would know, like maybe a secret or something that is different about yourself." and he smiled and looked down.

"I'm terrified of spiders." and I giggled loud. "I already knew that but that is a start!" And I fake clapped for him. And he stuck out his tongue. I did the same back. We stopped being immature for a moment and for some reason something told me to kiss him.

But it's too soon for that, What if he doesn't want to kiss me. And before I made up a choice, Chris had his hand on my thigh and was leaning in. Butterflies got worse and worse as he came closer.

And before I knew it, his lips were planted onto mine. Perfect for each other. I know how most stories have sparks and you better believe it because, woah, there were hundreds of sparks.

It turned into a make out session and escalated quickly. Chris grabbed my cheek and his tongue was roaming around my mouth. I wanted more but wouldn't allow more. This is as far as I will go. I thought, before he slowly got on top of me.

Nothing happened. We just made out strongly on his bed on top of each other, watched movies and cuddled, made some ice cream and brownies then cooked pizza. Even though it should be the other way around. Hehe.

It was a perfect day for me and him. I felt like we were already close. There may be a relationship coming soon. Now I know he likes me though. And I couldn't be happier.

I know that I'm not perfect, but when I'm around him, I feel like I am. He makes me feel special and loved. Even when we aren't together. Even when I didn't even know him personally.

Just, I hope we stay close like this forever. Even if we do get in a relationship. But I'm not going to push this farther than it is now. I will wait as long as it takes to call him mine.

I just hope noting comes in between that. Because, I am sort of a flirt but it's not like I mean to. I swear I don't. It's just a habit of mine. But I haven't been the entire time here. Well maybe a little with Chris. Just a little, that's all.

My favorite part of the night was when me and him opened up the letter and read all of them. the family came back 5 house of being out. We had 5 hours to do anything and we chose to be bums haha.

I forgot I only had Chris's sweater on and my boy shirt underwear. It's not a bad thing but, it might look like we did something else. If you know what I mean.

But I just at there and if they asked I would tell them that it's my pjs.. Ha. It's not a lie either. We had left overs from the brownies and they ate it all. "Pigs!" I yelled out to them and they looked at me with brownie shoved in their mouths and trying to swallow them.

It was late so I went to bed. Chris came in afterwords and kissed my forehead and basically tucked me in hehe. He left the room and I was out like a light.

Could he see?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora