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Truth or dare had ended and we were all watching Jeepers Creepers the scary movie.
I was tired but wanted to spend more time with Chris and Crawford because I will miss them so much.
I can't believe that I am leaving tomorrow morning...
Everything has just been so shocking and unbelievable.
"Lacy?" Chris's soft voice spoke my name so quietly. It made me blush.
"Yeah?" I looked over at him and our eyes made contact.
He was sitting on the other couch with the boys but moved to where I was. Putting his arm around me.
"Hey." He whispered in my ear.
I giggled and shook my head at his cuteness and did the same as he did.
"You remember that one thing that I was going to do a while ago, right before the accident?" He was unsure if he was supposed to even mention the accident, I could tell.
"I do, actually." I just looked at him with confusion waiting to hear what he had to say.
"Well, I am going on tour next Thursday and was wondering if you wanted to go?" I was checking to see if he was bluffing but no bluff there.
"Chris, I'm flattered but, why me?" I touched my heart and pouted my lip.
"Well, the people I work with asked me who I would want to bring along and they said some examples like, someone who will keep you on the right track and not distract you so much, someone who is fun and easy going to whatever plans we have, someone who is not going to annoy everyone and most importantly, someone who won't back down and will be there for me..." He paused and thought for a split second.
Looking up to me, he says, "So I thought, that's Lacy." His voice was raspy and quiet.
I was shocked and flattered and just overwhelmed by everything he had just spoken of.
"Chris, I would love to go." I hugged him making sure that I choke him so he remembers that very moment of how much I loved him.
"Lacy, I have another question." Chris was now sort of laying down with me hugging him on the side, so you could say cuddling.
"Yes, Chris?" My mind was swirling with thoughts of what the question could be...
"Lacy, will you be my girlfriend?"

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