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I get in my pajamas and walk out to where the boys are. "So what do you it's wanna do?" I asked sitting down.

"Well we could play spin the bottle? But instead of kissing we do dares." Brent suggested. And we all agreed.

I got up to go get something we could use. I found a 2-Liter and drank the last bit of it so we could use the bottle.

I came back and set it down. Chris went first and it landed on Brent. So Brent had to dare Chris to do something.

"Christian, I dare you to go and drink from the ketchup bottle." and I smirked. "Oh come on man!" And Chris got up and did it.

Wow. I couldn't believe he did that! I wouldn't. Ever. And now it was Crawford's turn. He spun the bottle and it landed on Brent again.

"Alright man, I got a great one!" and he chuckled. "I dare you to post on twitter that you are coming out of the closet."

That's harsh. "Alright man." and Crawford didn't even hesitate. "Did it." and my phone lit up with a notification. "You actually did it!" and he was laughing.

"I'm not checking twitter for a couple days now." and I laughed at what he just said.

Now it was Brent's turn. He spun the bottle and it landed on himself. "What a coincidence!" and I smiled. "I think the bottle likes you." and we all laughed.

He spun it again and it landed on Crawford. Right off the bat, He knew a dare. "Like mayonnaise off the floor." Brent got up and grabbed the mayo and put some on the dusted floor.

"Agh! That tastes so gross!" we all died laughing. And now, what we have all been waiting for. The BIG moment.

My dare.

Cliff hanger! Sorry guys I had to! haha (: I love you all xx hehe.

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