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"Oh my!" I said laughing really hard. Brent starts making ideas for a vine and had me needing air.

"But really! That would be wonderful!" and I shook my head. "You know, it might be but what about the stuff we need for it." and he looked at me like I was an alien.

"Money?" and I rubbed my fingers like they do in movies. "Oh!" and he started thinking. "Chris what do you have in-" "Excuse me." Brent got interrupted and I think by a fan?

"Oh hi!" and he smiled. "Would yo-u send, I mean sign this?" and he stood up and signed it. He took a couple pictures with her and then she said her goodbyes. Sweet.

Everyone looked at him. Staring dead in the eyes. "WHAT?" and he drank his drink fast.

We were just messing with him. We felt immature that day. Even though, hanging out with Brent is being immature everyday. Haha.

We paid for another drink for the day and left. We walked because we all need the exercise. Just kidding. But we did walk.

I was walking all fine until I stepped on a big rock and fell. "Ow, ow ow ow ow ow.!" and it hurt REALLY bad.

"Lacy!" Crawford noticed me first. "Are you alright?" Chris came next. Brent turned around and made a disgusted look.

"What?" I asked him. He pointed to my ankle and it was gushing out blood. You see, I'm not weird but I like blood. It's just interesting. So when I was bleeding, I didn't freak out like every other girl does.

"We have to take her back. Chris give me your shirt." Brent ordered him. "Here." and Brent wrapped it around quick. "Ahh!" it hurt so bad.

"Here. Ill carry you." Chris spoke out and went to grab me. He picked me up and instantly I felt better. I didn't feel any pain at all. He was my cure. Well, not really but, it felt like it.

"You alright?" he asked me while smiling. I shook my head and just crawled up on his chest while he carried me. I fit perfectly in his arms.

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