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Since Barry wanted training, we went to the waterfall for Barry's training. Barry was supposed to run and jump over the cliff and make it to the other side. "Uh... It  didn't look this deep on the map." Cisco says as I glare at him. "That's because it's a FREAKING MAP!" I yell at him as he flinches at my voice. "Well, he wants to get faster, maybe plummeting to your death is the motivation you need." Cisco says as he walks away and I narrow my eyes at him. "Ya se fue loco!" I say in Spanish and Barry wraps his arms around me to calm me down slightly. "So, to reach escape velocity, you're gonna have to go... That fast." Harry says as he shows Barry the notebook. I look at the notebook and widen my eyes at the number, "Well that fast is impossible. I can promise you that." Barry says and I nod in agreement. "Nothing in life is promised except death." Harry says quoting Kanye West. "Edgar Allen Poe?" Barry asks and I furrow my brows as I look at him. "Kanye West. How did you not know that?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes as hugs me tighter to his body. "If it makes you feel any better, Evel Knievel cleared a line of cars that was twice this long, and he didn't even have superpowers. Ah, unless you count that sweet-ass ride." Cisco says and I furrow my brows at him. "Do you hear yourself right now?" Barry asks him and I nod in agreement.

"Well, look, you're gonna be fine. I'm 80% sure of it." Cisco says.

"Ok." Barry says.

"76." Cisco then says and I widen my eyes at him. "Like, a strong 72. I can't stop. Caitlin, help."

"If you don't feel ready, you probably shouldn't do it." Caitlin says.

"Probably?! He shouldn't do it!" I argue.

"Not helpful." Cisco says.

"Look, Zoom's still out there. And once I find a way back to Earth-2, I have to be faster than him. And I mean, right now, I wasn't even fast enough to save Jay. I have to try." Barry says and he walks away, but I grab his hand, stopping him in his tracks and he turns to me. "I'll be fine." he assures me and I sigh as I let go. He then walks away and I turn to Cisco, "If anything happens to him, I'm blaming you." I say and he bites his lip nervously. We all look at Barry as he takes his stance, then speeds past us. He then jumps off the edge. For a moment, it seemed like he was going to make it, but he then starts to fall. "Barry!" I yell in worry and Caitlin, Harry, and I run over to the edge to try and look for him. I suddenly see drones fly up with a net and Barry inside the net and I sigh in relief. "Why'd you have to bring those drones along, Cisco?" "Oh, I don't know." You're welcome, everyone." Cisco says and I turn to him. "I still blame you." I say as he lowers the drones and letting Barry out of the net. I run over to him and embrace him tightly and as I pull away and smack his arm. "Never do that again." I say to him and his hand caresses my cheek. "No promises." he says making me roll my eyes, then he kisses me.


We all walk into the Cortex, Barry already being here and changed, to see Jesse sitting on the chair, staring at the computer with a jar of popcorn in front of her as she has a handful in her hand. "Scooch." Cisco tells Jesse and she looks back at him and she rolls her eyes at him. "Oh, how did it go?" Jesse asks Barry as I walk over to him and he wraps his arms around me. "Well, he's not a red splat on the side of a mountain." Harry says and I glare at him. "That's our new definition of success?" Cisco asks him as he sits, grabbing the jar of popcorn, grabbing a handful, and eating it. "It's one of them." Harry says and I roll my eyes. "Not funny." I say as Barry holds me tighter. "So, you didn't make the canyon jump?" Jesse asks him and he shakes his head. "What else can we try?" Barry asks Cisco and I look at him. "A bigger canyon?" Cisco says as I look at him angrily. "Estas enserio?" I ask him in Spanish as I raise a brow at him. "Ok, fine. No more canyons." Cisco says and I shake my head at him. "I know I can crack this, I've just been going about it wrong. I need to find my leg up." Barry says shrugging and I look at him. "Have we factored in drag?" Barry asks and I look back at him as he loosens his grip on my waist.

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