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I woke up in the morning to see that Barry was gone. It's been a week since we found out Jay was Zoom, and Barry was determined to stop him. As for me, well, I'm walking now. Limping, but walking a bit. I get out of bed, take a quick shower, get ready, then call Barry to come and pick me up. Barry comes into the room and looks at me sitting on the bed. "Barry, you know what happened to Jay wasn't your fault, right?" I ask him and he squats down in front of me. "Well, I should've known better." he says as he grabs my hands and I sigh. "Stop that! You can't blame yourself for every little thing that goes wrong in our team! If you wanna do that, then fine! I blame myself, too. I should've known also, because of what happened with Wells last year. I was just too naive, and thought that Jay could actually be of some help." I say to him and his hands squeeze mine. "Don't say that." he says to me and I just shake my head. "You didn't want to trust Jay in the begining, Barry. We talked you into trusting him." I say looking down. "And I don't blame you for that. He had an alibi, and we all took the bait. None of it was your fault, babe." Barry says to me and I smile at him. "Nobody saw it coming. So, we can't blame ourselves no matter how much we want to." I say and he nods as he wraps his arms around me.

"Did Iris tell you she kind of went on a date?" I ask Barry.

"No. With who?" he asks.

"The new editor of CCPN. His name is Scott Evans."

"Her boss?"

"Yeah. She said it wasn't like that, but that he was a nice guy and all those things."

"So, what's the matter?"

"She thinks about Eddie. She said it felt wrong, but I told her that Eddie would want her to find love again."

Barry smiles at me as he moves my bangs from my eyes, "You're incredible, Tori. Do you know that?" he asks me and I chuckle as I run my hands through his hair. "You tell me that with every chance you get, Bar." I say and he leans in and kisses me lovingly. "I actually talked to Wally when I went over to Wests yesterday." he says as he pulls away a little. "Oh, yeah? What did you guys talk about?" I ask him. "He was talking about his project and read the journals of the classic engineers, and how he can learn from the best." he says and I raise a brow. "And that talk gave you an idea, didn't it?" I ask him and he stands up. "And that is why, my lovely girlfriend, we are going to S.T.A.R. Labs right now." Barry says as he scoops me up and I wrap my arms around him as I look at him. "Am I going to hate it?" I ask him. "Possibly." he responds, then he speeds us to S.T.A.R. Labs.


When we get to S.T.A.R. Labs, we see Caitlin and Cisco in front of the elevator waiting for us. Barry tells Caitlin and Cisco about wanting to learn from the old Wells, Eobard Thawne, to teach him how to run faster. "You want him to teach you how to run faster? Oh, that's rich." Cisco says as we walk into the Cortex. "How are you going to do that?" Caitlin asks and I look at Barry with raised brows. "By running back to a time last year." Barry says and I cross my arms as I stare at him with the same raised brow. "And what about the other you? The one from that other timeline?" Cisco asks Barry. "I'll knock him out with something. I mean, it's not like he'll see me coming. And then I'll have Wells teach me." Barry says and I shake my head. "You know how I asked you if I was gonna hate this?" I ask Barry and he turns to me and nods. "Yeah, I don't hate it. I despise it. Estas loco para volver atras en el tiempo y apprender de ese psicopata?" I ask him in Spanish. "What?" he asks me and I roll my eyes. "Are you crazy to go back in time and learn from that psychopath?" I ask him again. "Babe, it's the only way I can learn how to run faster." he replies making me scoff. "Nothing I've read is pointing me towards a solution, and if there's anybody that's figured out the key to getting faster, without V-Nine, it's him." Barry says and I turn away from him as I lean on the railing and stare at our suits angrily.

The Speedster and the TelekineticOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora