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The plane ride was soooo long. I just listened to music, watched a movie, and slept the whole flight. I usually don't sleep on flights because I hate how bad my ears hurt after they pop from getting up, but I figured I should get some rest.

The captain announced that we are beginning our descent so I wake up my dad. I don't think I've ever been so nervous, except for when I entered the audition room.

We land and everyone cheers. Good, I didn't die so that must be a good sign. We get our carryons and head off the plane. My dad of course has to shake everyone's hand on the way out and have a small conversation. He thinks he is friends with everyone because he is a firefighter. So weird. We get our luggages and head towards the taxis.

I hear screaming, lots of teenage girls screaming. I'm a little curious but I mainly want to get out of here. My dad turns to the sound and seems interested too.

The girls are just standing there and there are TONS of them. I didn't expect to see that many. There had to be at least forty of them, just waiting for someone. Soon a security man comes out and people in sunglasses come out.

Oh my God, i think. It's the Dolan Twins

I'm a fan of their videos. I found them because I used to be a big fan of Jack Dail and when he went off the face of the earth, I started to become more interested in Grayson and Ethan.

They say hi to everyone and take tons of pictures.

"Amelia it's the Dolan Twins. This is so cool" my dad says to me. Yes I make him watch them with me a lot.

"I know I know. I don't know what to do. I just wanna watch"

"You're so weird. Why don't you go say hi?" He asks me. I just stare at him. Is he joking? I could never. I'd be so cringeworthy.

"Nope I can't. I always told you if I ever saw them I would just stare at their beautiful faces so that's what i'm going to do"

We kind of just stay there for a bit and watch everything go down. A girl turns around and notices me. I immediately look away, pretending I wasn't staring. She yells my name and I look back. How does she know my name?

"Oh my God it is you! I'm so excited for Breakers!" She yells as she walks over to me.

"Oh um thanks! Im excited too" I say chuckling. Im so confused. I know she knows me from the show, but we didn't even start filming yet. That's next week. Only the actors were announced and nobody really cared. Well I didn't think so.

She calls over her friend and they both take pics with me, as well as taking one on my phone so I can remember this forever. I ask for their names and we have some small talk. They talk about how they waited here for thirty minutes for the Dolan Twins and how their days got even better because they met me. I was going to cry they were so sweet!

I look up and Grayson Dolan is looking at me. I just smile and look back at the two girls. Oh my God THE Grayson Dolan just made eye contact with me. I'm getting all nervous and my dad decides we should get going. I say goodbye to the girls and they run back to the crowd around the Dolan Twins which cleared up a bit.

We make our way to a taxi and tell the driver the address. It's to my new apartment! I never thought I'd be saying that. I have my own apartment in LA at sixteen. Right now my dad is paying for it but once I get the money I am going to start to. It takes about 20 minutes to get there. We thank George, our driver, and head up the stairs to my apartment. My dad lets me open the door for the first time. He hands me the key and I open the door to my new apartment.

All of our stuff is already in it because we shipped it here. We just have to unpack everything and decorate. I run inside and start jumping up and down. My dad comes and joins me until he hurts his knee and has to stop.

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