34- Me and My Girls

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I get to set and just chill in my trailer. Aidan stops by for a bit and we watch some episodes of The Office. I go with him to his scene and watch for a bit until I decide to go back home. I say a quick hello to Daniel, Hannah, and Marco before heading back to my car. It's now 1:30 pm. I call Hailey and see if they are ready. Of course they aren't so I tell them I'll be there in thirty minutes. That's how long it'll take to get home anyways.

Thirty minutes later I'm home and I text them all to come outside. They come out and I see them looking the most LA i've ever seen them.

"Wow you guys dress to impress huh?" I ask them.

"Can't risk the chance of meeting Justin Bieber when i'm not ready" Sammy tells me.

"So where do you guys want to go?" I ask.

"The pink wall!" Sophia screams out even though she's right next to me in the passenger's seat.

"Alright and after that?"

"Can we go to Santa Monica pier?" Hailey says.

"Or Urth Caffe?" Sammy adds in.

"What about you Jenna?" I ask.

"We should get those vape balls" she says and I laugh. I know exactly what she's talking about.

"Okay so first the wall, then Urth, then Santa Monica pier, then the Chocolate Chair. Is that good?" I say and they all agree with the plan.

We get to the pink wall and there are already a few people there. I've never been there before but it's actually really cool. The whole store outside is pink and it stands out. I love it. I park across the street and we head over to the wall. We all take pictures of each other and have a lot of fun. After twenty minutes we go to the car and start our way to Urth Caffe.

Even though it's easier to go to the one in Santa Monica, I bring them to the one in LA for the full experience. We sit down outside so they can people watch "in case any celebrities walk by", as Sammy says. All of us order mac and cheese or sandwiches, and then there's Sophia who orders avocado toast.

"What the fuck Sophia?" Jenna asks her once the waitress leaves.

"What?" she asks.

"Who even are you? Miss LA?"

"I'm just trying to fit in!" she says.

We get our food and I feel someone tap my shoulder. I look at the girls faces and see them all in awe. What the heck? I turn around and see Cameron Dallas smiling at me.

"Hey Cam!" I say, getting up to give him a hug. He hugs me back and I sit back down.

"Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to say hi. I miss you!" he tells me and I laugh.

"I miss you too." I tell him. I look at my friends and I see Sophia give me a "introduce us right now or i'll kill you" look.

"Oh these are my friends from New York. That's Hailey, Sophia, Sammy, and Jenna. Guys this is Cameron" They all smile once I called their name. Cameron looked confused and I knew he wouldn't remember their names.

"Nice to meet you girls. I'm going to head inside. Text me later Lia" he says and goes inside.

"Ok first the Dolan Twins and now Cameron Dallas, God Lia why do you still get all the hot guys?" Sophia asks me.

"You know Jenna is the one who gets the hot guys" I say back.

"That was one time! I didn't have John or all those other guys you had." Jenna says back. John was a guy I liked since the beginning of September. We started talking at the end of October and he told me he didn't like me anymore after one week. It took me three months to get over him. Ever since I don't hand my feelings out as much anymore. It takes a lot for me to like someone now, I guess because my heart fears getting rejected again. People still make fun of me for it. It was a sucky time.

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