30- Moments

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Bryant sent me his location twenty minutes ago so I plug it into my Maps and head on my way. 40 minutes away. Great.

I spend the whole car ride thinking about all the advice Phoebe gave me and how I'm going to say hi and blah blah blah. I go over so many scenarios in my head. What if he does like me? What if he doesn't? I'm so nervous.

I see Bryant's car and park next to it. He's nowhere in sight. I call him and tell him I'm here and they agree to come meet me. After a few minutes I see some people out in the distance coming this way. My heart drops once I notice Grayson. I really hope he thinks I look good. I go on my phone and pretend I didn't see them yet. I look up and see them all just staring at me.

"Hi guys" I say to them, their mouths still wide open. I'll take that as a good sign.

"Guys" I say waving in front of their faces.

"Hey Lia you look amazing" Bryant says coming over to me. He gives me a giant hug.

"you look b-beautiful" Grayson tells me stuttering. He comes over and gives me a deep hug which I never want to end.

"Yeah you look really hot Lia damn" Ethan says, Grayson smacking his shoulder. I laugh and give him a hug. Ethan is definitely the most horny out of the two. I can tell because while Grayson is actually looking at my eyes, Ethan just keeps glancing at my boobs.

"Lets all go back to where we were shooting. We found an amazing part of the desert Lia I think you'd like it" Bryant tells me. We all start walking towards the area where they were. We got there and it really is stunning. There's a perfect view of where the sun is starting to set and there are beautiful plants and hills.

"Boys you stay here. Lia and I are going to go shoot over there." Bryant says to Ethan and Grayson and they nod. Here comes the moment of truth.

We get out of hearing distance and Bryant starts to shoot me. We take actual shots so we don't seem suspicious. When he finishes ten minutes later we pretend to look at the pictures but instead we talk.

"So I asked Grayson what was going on between you two and he asked what i meant so i said something along the lines of "come on Gray there's obviously something going on" and he goes "well i kind of like her" but then Ethan interrupted and said "kind of like her? he talks about her any chance he gets and definitely fantasizes about her" so Grayson told him to shut up. I asked straightforward "Do you like Amelia" and he said "Yeah I really do"." I feel so happy right now. I jump on Bryant and give him the biggest hug.

"Thank you so much Bryant! I owe you one big time" I tell him and he puts me down.

"I will definitely remember that" he says and I laugh. "But trust me I'm almost as happy as you are. I've wanted this for the longest time" he tells me.

"I don't even know what to do with myself now. Do I make a move or leave it alone or what"

"Lets just go over there and we will see how it goes" he says and I nod. I take a minute to calm down and then we head over. As I am walking towards them Grayson walks towards me and whispers in my ear "can we talk for a second?" I signal to Bryant that i'm going with Grayson and he nods with a big smile on his face. Grayson takes my hand and we go on top of some hill.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask Grayson.

"I just wanted to apologize again. You didn't deserve what happened and I'm really sorry"

"It's okay Grayson. I'm sorry I got all jealous too. It wasn't my place to" I tell him.

"Listen Amelia I have to tell you something. I don't know what's going to happen but I need you to hear me out." He says. And here we go. I nod and turn myself so my whole body is facing him.

"Well, um I-um ever since I saw you in the airport I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I'm so happy we became close and I want it to be like that for a long time. Every time I see you or hear your voice I get butterflies and I don't know what to do about it and I get so nervous. You make me the happiest guy on the planet Amelia. I like you, a lot. And you don't have to feel the same way I just really wanted to share my feelings with you." I start to smile which makes him do the same.

"Before I met you I used to watch your videos every Tuesday. I went through a really bad state in my life and you were always there to make me smile. I used to wish so badly that I could just meet you. I never thought that I would have the opportunity to be here. Standing right here in front of you. Hearing you say you like me. And telling you that I like you too" I say. He picks me up into a hug and spins me around. I scream and laugh and he just laughs with me. He puts me down and I bite my lip.

"Don't do that Evans" he tells me.

"Why not?" I ask him

"It's making it really hard for me not to kiss you" he tells me.

"Then make your life easier" I tell him, slowly getting closer to his face. He comes closer too and he puts his lips on mine. I don't like fireworks, but something definitely felt like them inside of me. It sounds cliche but it's true. When we kissed, I was overwhelmed with butterflies and happiness. Everything just fell in place. I was right where I wanted to be.

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