37- Night Shoot

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I wake up the next morning to my alarm. I have two morning shoots and then a night shoot. It's my first one and I'm super nervous. I really hope I don't fall asleep.

As I finish getting ready, I walk into the living room and see Hailey already up.

"Good morning A" she says to me.

"Morning H. Why are you up so early?"

"Just homesick I guess"

"Oh i'm sorry Hailey. Do you need anything?"

"No i'll be fine. I'm just gonna go get some Starbucks and wait for the others to get up"

"Okay there's one right around the block from here. It's a five minute walk."

"Great. Thanks Amelia. Love you"

"Love you too Hailey. Text me later" I say before walking out. I hope she's alright. I text her mom once I get in the car just to make sure she will be okay. Her mom is my second mom. Ever since my mom has been in prison, she's always been there for my family.

I get to Paramount thirty minutes later and head over to my trailer to see the itinerary sheet. My first scene is at 9:30, then at 11:05, and then I have to wait for the afternoon sheet to see my nighttime shooting.

The morning goes by super quickly. At 12:37 I hear a knock on my trailer door. I open it and don't see anyone there. I look to the left and see a new itinerary sheet. Finally! My first shoot starts at 11:30 pm and the second one is at 2:55 am. That's insane I definitely read it wrong. Nope. 2:55 am. At least after this I don't have work until Tuesday. Tuesday is also the day my friends leave. I wish they could stay longer or that I could spend their last day together but I can't. I'll make it up to them on Monday.

I decide to go home and sleep until 9. I need all the energy I can get for later. My sleeping schedule is about to be even more messed up. I get home and see nobody's here. That's weird. They didn't mention doing anything today. I check snapchat and see they are all having a great time at the Grove.

I text them that I am home and go into my room to sleep. I wake up to someone knocking on my door thirty times. I look at the time before I get up. 6:12 pm. I was sleeping for five hours and still could've slept for another three. I look through the peephole and see Grayson.

"Grayson you interrupted my slumber" I say as I open the door.

"Sorry Lia I just wanted to drop some stuff off" he says as he walks into my kitchen and puts everything down. It's a CVS bag, a Starbucks drink, and a stuffed animal.

"Umm what's all this" I ask.

"Oh well I know tonight is a night shoot so I got you a bunch of stuff I thought you need to get through it" he tells me with a giant smile. I open the bag and see a lot of candy and 5-hour energy shots. The Starbucks drink is my go-to in a treinta. The stuffed animal is a little blue bunny with a ribbon around its neck.

"Grayson you didn't have to do this" I say to him.

"Well I did" he says. I give him a giant hug.

"I'm so happy you're in my life Grayson" I tell him as I break the hug. He just smiles and leans in. I lean in too and we kiss. Our official second kiss and nothing's changed. I still get the fireworks and the butterflies. This kid is everything to me. We break apart and he picks up the stuffed animal and hands it to me.

"I named him Grayson so I can always be there for you. Plus I didn't like the thought of you sleeping with anyone else" he says and I laugh.

"Well it's perfect" I say back. I put my drink in the fridge and leave the candy on the counter. The two Grayson's and I go into the living room to watch a movie. I'm browsing through Netflix when I see Moana.

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