35- Romantic Scenes

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My alarm wakes me up for work.

"Shut it off" I hear Sophia moan. I quickly shut it off and hop in the shower. I get ready and head off to work. I text the girls that I'll be back as soon as I can but then I have to pick up the Twins from the airport so they can do whatever they want as long as it's legal.

I'm super excited for Grayson to come home. Even though it's been less than a week I still miss him a lot. Luckily nothing got awkward after Friday night. Things have gotten better actually. His flight gets in at 7:12 pm so hopefully I'm done with work by then.

I arrive to set and get the sheet from off my trailer. My last scene is at 5 so I'll be out in time to pick up the boys. My first scene though is in an hour so I quickly get to hair and makeup. This scene is a scene between Aidan and I. It's kind of romantic so I'm a little nervous. It's my first romantic scene of the show and it's definitely going to be awkward. We kiss but then I push him away and run off the roof.

I head over to wardrobe and Carmen puts me into a really cute, cozy outfit. I love her amazing sense of style. She always tells me how she had the best sense of style for her time and how she got all the guys. I love this woman.

I get to set with five minutes until shooting. I cuddle up into my chair and try to sleep a bit. I am always so exhausted.

"Someone's tired" I hear Aidan say to me. I just nod and snuggle up into my knees even more.

"Alright Lia get up! Crew get into your places!" Daniel yells. I get up and go onto the set. They position me and Aidan the way they want and Daniel gives us directions.

"I know it's awkward. Just think of anyone you want during the kiss to make it look real. Then Lia picture someone horrible that will make you push him away. Got it?" he asks us and Aidan and I nod.

"Ok. Annnndddd Action!" Daniel yells. We say our lines and are just about to kiss when we just break out into laughter.

"I hate you two so much. Be professional for once!" Daniel says to us. He's trying to seem intimidating but I can tell he wants to laugh too.

We do the scene again and actually kiss. Then as I'm running back inside the window I slip and fall of course. Luckily it's a fake roof so I didn't fall far but it still hurt a bit. We do the scene one more time and it's without any problems. We do it another four times so they can get different camera angles and we are done. The next scene is mine as well. I go to makeup quickly for touch ups because it got smudged during the kisses and head back to set. It's the scene right before the last one I shot so I don't have to change. We finish that scene and I have five hours until my next one. I go to my trailer and go to sleep. I've been drained ever since filming. It may not seem like a lot of work but it is. It's a lot of early mornings and soon to be late nights. I wake up to the sound of a knocking on my door. I check the time. 3:30 pm. Wow I took a really long nap.

I open the door and see Aidan standing there with a box of pizza and some drinks.
"Hey you didn't answer my text for lunch so I just got you whatever" he says to me.

"I'm so sorry I was sleeping" I tell him. I invite him in and we sit down.

"I hope it's alright" he says to me about his food choices. He got a cheese pizza with two Sprite cans for us to share.

"It's perfect thank you" I say. I turn on the tv and put on Netflix. We just watch some Family Guy as we eat.

At 4:20 I go to hair and makeup. It's a scene with Phoebe. We are in my room just hanging out. My makeup is natural with some liner and my hair is in a messy bun, except it's perfectly messy. I go to wardrobe and get my outfit for the scene. They are finishing up a scene between Alexander and Phoebe when I arrive. I watch them finish off the scene. Once they are done, I get up and follow the woman who took my chair to the next location. I sit on my "bed" in the set and wait for everyone to finish setting up.

We do the scene and finish after an hour. I head to my trailer and watch some tv before it's time for me to go to pick up the Twins at the airport. At 6:30 I leave work and go to the airport. I'm so excited to see him again.

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