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Bryant took some more photos for the next ten minutes. We all just had a great time posing and fooling around. He put his camera away and we all sat on our towels. We stayed there in silence, appreciating the beautiful sight in front of us. Our silence was interrupted by two girls yelling Ethan's name. We looked and saw them running over here. Aaron, Grayson, and Ethan all stood up. They were the ones who the girls would want the pictures with so they knew the drill. I sat next to Bryant and just rested my head on his shoulder. I was so tired. He took out his camera and showed me some of the photos. They were all incredible.

"You're such an amazing photographer! I've never seen such talent" I said and he laughed, thinking I was joking about the last part.

"I swear!" I continue "You have such great vision and it really shows."

"Thank you so much Amelia. It means a lot" he said smiling. He's such a sweetheart, I know we are going to become super close. I look up to the girls and see the guys still talking to them. Grayson and I make eye contact and he smiles at me. I smile back and just watch their whole conversation. The girls go away and Aaron, Grayson, and Ethan come back over to Bryant and me.

"I'm ready to go when you guys are" Aaron says, helping me up. We all agree and start to pack up our stuff. I put on my sweatshirt and pack my pants away. I don't want to ruin my pants with the ocean water still on my legs. Once we pack up we head back to the cars. It's around 10 so we decide to get some smoothies real quick. I ride with Grayson while the rest of them ride together. Ethan pulls out and we follow him as he leads the way to the place.

"Did you have fun today?" Grayson asked me.

"Yes! I had a great time!" I tell him with lots of enthusiasm

"Good I had fun too"

"I really like your friends. They are super nice. I kind of fangirled a bit when I met them though, didn't I?" I asked

"Just a bit" Grayson said laughing

"Oh gosh they must think I'm so weird now!" I said, putting my head in my hands.

"No, no definitely not. They really like you, i promise" he says, taking my hands away from my face. He held my hand for a few seconds and then quickly pulled his away. Okay then.

We arrive at the juice bar and we all head inside. I got a pineapple and strawberry smoothie. We sit at a table and I take a sip. Pure. Sex. Wow this is so freaking good. I drink about half until I realize I have to save some of it so I stop. Bryant shows us all the photos and all the guys keep looking at the ones of only me. They won't even let me see them. Classic boy brain, a girl half naked and they are hooked. Finally they let me see and I actually love them. I give Bryant a huge hug and thank him a million more times.

We go through the group shots and Aaron stops on one of just Grayson and I. It's us with the sunset in the background. We are smiling at each other and it's really cute honestly. I started to blush so I look down. Hopefully nobody saw. But of course Ethan did. And he just smiled huge at me and then looked at Grayson and back to me and I just glared at him. Way to go Ethan, be anymore obvious can you? I look at Grayson to see him smiling and staring at the picture.

"It's really cute. It's like a goals picture" Aaron says, ending the awkward silence but only making it even more awkward.

"I don't know about that" I say laughing.

"Whatever" Aaron says smiling. We look through the rest of the pictures and Bryant promises to send them to us. It's getting late so we decide to leave. I say bye to the other three boys while Grayson and I head out.

The car ride home was a little weird. I just kept thinking about that picture, and I'm sure he was thinking the same thing.

We got to my apartment and he walked me up to the door. I told him he didn't have to but he insisted.

"Thank you so much for today Grayson. I had the best time!" I tell him.

"I'm glad. I want to make sure you have the best time in LA." he tells me. I get on my tippy toes and give him a hug. He hugs me back and I don't want to let go. Eventually I do and I just look up at him. Before I looked away he leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight Amelia" he said

"Goodnight Grayson"

I open the door and walk inside. I shut it and go straight to my room. I can't have my dad seeing me like this. I can't stop smiling. I get ready for bed and just remain smiling the whole time. I get into bed, thinking about how lucky I am. I haven't been this happy in a while.

Charmed• g dolan Where stories live. Discover now