18- The Talk

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I go upstairs and find Grayson laying on his stomach on the couch with his head hanging over. I walk over to where his head is and lay down on the floor so my head is on the floor just beneath his. His eyes were shut.

"Hey Gray" I say quietly.

"Hi" he says, even more quietly.

"Grayson what's wrong? You just stormed into the warehouse."

"Nothing I'm fine"

"Grayson just last night you told me that I could tell you anything no matter what. I'm here saying the same thing. I know you aren't fine and I want to know why"

"Why is Ethan all flirty with you? And you do it back. You told me yesterday you didn't like him" I could tell he was getting heated. I always heard Grayson had some anger issues but I never really believed it.

"We are just friends Grayson, I meant what I said. We were just joking around. I don't know why he tried to kiss me but I know he wasn't actually going to. It was all a joke. All pretend."

"Do you love him?" he asks me, opening his eyes to look at me.

"Of course I love him Grayson. But as a friend. I love Ethan and Aaron and Cameron and Bryant and so many others. They are such great people and I couldn't imagine my life without them. I love Ethan in a way a friend should. I've loved you two before I even met you. Remember I'm a fan too. So yes I love Ethan. But not as in I want to date him or marry him or whatever."

"I'm sorry Amelia. I don't know what came over me." He said sitting up. He holds out his hand and helps me up. I sit on the couch next to him.

"It's okay G" I reassure him. He doesn't seem convinced.

"No it's not Amelia. I got jealous and I reacted in a way I shouldn't have and I'm so, so sorry."

"I know and it's okay. Everyone gets jealous from time to time. But there's nothing to be jealous of. I know everyone wants Ethan's kiss but you'll get your turn one day don't worry". I say sarcastically, patting his leg. He just laughs and sighs.

"I know I know. A boy can dream" he carries on with the joke. We both just laugh.

"Are you okay now? Ethan is worried about you too. Not so sure about Jack" I say chuckling. He smiles and nods. We get up and see Jack and Ethan on the trampoline. Grayson goes down the stairs but I decide to take the zip line. I go on and jump into the foam pit.

"Where's Lia?" Grayson asks, coming over to Ethan and Jack.

"Over here!" I yell. I'm stuck in the foam pit. They all come over and help me out.

Cameron walks in, followed by Aaron and Cameron Dallas.

"Hey losers I'm home! And there are some guests" Cameron yells to us. They all join us in the main room and we say hellos.

"You guys just missed it. Amelia was stuck in the foam pit!" Jack tells them all and I glare at him.

"Aw without me this time?" Cameron Dallas says, pouting. I laugh but notice Grayson getting tense again. I walk over to him and put my arms around him, feeling him relax underneath me. He rests his chin on my head and puts his arms around me.

"Get a room you guys" Aaron says, making everyone laugh. G and I quickly back away from each other. "Anyways, we got you all ice cream!" Aaron continues and we cheer.

"How'd you know we were all together" Grayson asks

"We have snapchat bro. I saw the whooole High School Musical sing along" Aaron tells us, making him and Cameron laugh. "And sorry Lia I didn't know what to get you so I just got you vanilla."

"That's perfect thank you so much" I say, taking my ice cream. We all take our ice cream and sit on the air track. The guys set up a projector and they put on a movie.

"Wait where's Cameron?" I ask

"I'm right here" Dallas says laughing

"No I mean Dolan"

"She's getting some stuff for the video we are filming tomorrow." Ethan says

"Aw so she's not watching with us?"

"God no. I'm not having my sister interrupt my time with my friends"

"Ethan!" I yell at him. Everyone laughs and sits down. Grayson finishes setting it up and grabs his laptop to pick the movie. He squeezes in next to me. I'm in between Aaron and Grayson.

They choose The Cabin in the Woods, a horror movie of course.

"Did you guys actually choose a horror movie because you want to watch it?" I ask everyone, knowing their real intentions.

"Nope we just really want to see your reactions" Ethan tells me, everyone agreeing.

"Ugh fine. You've been warned though so don't complain about me screaming so much" I say, making everyone laugh. We get all of our blankets and pillows and turn on the movie.

I love horror movies so I wasn't super scared but I did jump and scream a lot, and it echoed in the warehouse which made it worse. Everyone kept laughing at me, but I did hear some of them yell too. Almost all of us were on edge throughout the movie. I kept grabbing Grayson's hand and he did the same with mine. It was like the Escape Room all over again.

The movie ended and the credits came on. This was the scariest part in my opinion. Everything comes into realization and the scary music just makes it worse.

"TURN IT OFF TURN IT OFF" I say screaming. I cuddle into Grayson and hide under my blanket. Everyone laughs and Ethan turns it off.

"Are you okay?" Grayson asks giggling.

"Yeah yeah i'm good. The credits just scare me the most" I say, making everyone look at me and burst into laughter. I just blush and hide back under the blanket. Grayson takes it away from my face and hugs me. I relax in his arms.

I check the time and see it's 7 pm already.

"I should really get going" I tell them. They all boo at me and throw pillows.

"Come on Lia stay!" Cameron says

"Yeah just stay over. When it's time for bed you can take the couch and we will all go on the trampoline or something." Ethan tells me.

"Yeah just stay. Please" Grayson insists.

"Alright if you say so" I say. Everyone starts cheering and I just laugh. I get back in my seat and we put on another movie. This time I get to choose because I'm staying. I, of course, choose a cinematic masterpiece: Grease. I'm singing along to all of the songs and everyone is actually enjoying the movie. I even see some of the guys tearing up. How cute. Sadly, it ends and we decide to watch one more movie. It's now 10 pm. We go with The Benchwarmers.

I'm so happy I met them. They are such amazing people. They make me feel so comfortable and don't treat me different because I'm a girl, but don't treat me like I'm just one of the guys either. They respect me and make me really happy. Especially Grayson. He held me through the horror movie, sang the songs he knew through the romantic movie, and is now laughing with me through the comedy. He has the cutest laugh ever. It's so loud just like mine but so adorable. God Lia, you've really fallen for him.

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