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"You called a lot earlier than I expected" my dad says once i get in the car.

"Yeah i got invited to other plans at 6 so I wanted to make sure I had time to get ready" I told him.

"What plans?" he asks

"Oh I was invited to go to the beach"

"By who?"

"Grayson" My dad smiles once I say this "What?" I ask smiling

"Nothing" He says, lying.

"Tell meeee" I insist, I wanna know what's up

"Just I think there's something going on between you two that's all"

"Dad no." I say looking at him. He looks back at me and then rolls his eyes

"No! We just met yesterday Dad and are just friends." I say, making sure he knows that it's not true. As much as I would love to date him or something I just don't have the time. Starting Tuesday, in 8 days, I have to be at set almost everyday filming Breakers! How am I even supposed to have a social life?

"Alrighty Lia I understand." he finally says. The rest of the ride home was just me singing along to the bluetooth that was connected to my phone and my dad complaining about how I suck. I never actually try at singing because I know I'll be bad anyways. We get to the apartment building and park in the garage. We enter our apartment and I immediately go to my room. I really could use a nap right now but I am too excited. I didn't get a lot of information out of Grayson. Like i don't know where we are going and who else is coming. I really should've asked.

I put on some loose pants over my bikini and put a sweatshirt in my bag. I put my blonde hair in a bun and slide on my flip flops. I take off my makeup from the day and put on some waterproof mascara. I am pretty confident without makeup, but today hasn't been the best skin day so I get really nervous and start to feel self conscious. I hate feeling self conscious over my appearance because of a guy but it's just who I am sometimes. Plus when he looks like THAT I'm bound to be a little worried. I brush my teeth and grab my favorite sunglasses. Just as I walk into the living room I hear a knock on the door. My heart drops.

I look at the time, 5:55 pm. A little early but I'm actually ready for once so It's ok. I look at my dad who's sitting on the couch just staring at the door. I can tell he's a little nervous too. I open the door hesitantly because I fear my heart will drop to my stomach. I see Grayson standing there smiling.

"Hey" he says

"Hi" I say smiling back at him

We stand there for a few seconds just looking at each other until I realize my dad is just watching us. I drop the gaze and open the door a bit wider so Gray can see my dad.

"Um Grayson meet my dad. Dad this is Grayson"

"Of course I know who Grayson is you make me watch him all the time" he says and I pray I just imagined that. I give him a glare and Grayson laughs. He walks over to my dad and shakes his hand.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Evans" he says, giving my dad that award winning smile.

"You too Grayson. Treat my daughter well"

"Of course, sir" he says, making me blush.

I go over and give my dad a kiss before saying goodbye. Grayson and I walk out the door and down to his car. He opens the door to the passenger seat and I hop in. He gets in and we head off. There's a bit of awkward silence. I decide to break it.

"So where are we going?" I ask

"It's a surprise" he says. Of course it is. "Ethan and a few of my friends are going to meet us there"

"Oh okay, sounds good" I say. I don't really know who they are friends with, they are always just hanging out with each other.

After twenty minutes of small talk and the radio, we arrive. It's a beautiful beach right off a boardwalk. We park and get out. He leads me to a spot and we put all of our stuff down. We sit there talking for a bit when Grayson is suddenly attacked by someone. I scream and the person looks at me. It's Ethan. They both start laughing really hard.

"You scared the heck out of me Ethan!!" I say, trying not to laugh. I'm still trying to catch my breath

"Sorry Amelia" He says in between laughs. I look up and see a few other guys laughing. What a great first impression Lia!

"Oh Amelia these are our friends: Aaron and Bryant" Grayson tells me. Oh my God no way this is happening. Bryant followed me on twitter and replied to my comment on his instagram almost a year ago and I've still been fangirling over it. Aaron is such a sweetheart and I've always wanted to meet him. This definitely can't be real. Someone pinch me!

"Hi it's so nice to meet you guys!" I say giving them hugs. Oh gosh Amelia why'd you go for the hug.

"You too! I'm super excited for your show. It looks really good" Aaron tells me. Oh my goodness he knows who I am. I need to cool down, maybe I should go in the water.

"Aw thanks!" I say back. He's just like I imagined.

The boys continued to talk and I just watched the ocean. It's so pretty but scary at the same time. I have the worst fear of sharks and just deep in the ocean but I still love the beach. I can't wait to watch the sunset.

"So Amelia" Bryant says and I turn towards him "I was wondering if maybe I could get a few shots of you?" Just then I noticed his camera. He's so talented I have to say yes! I'm not really made up for it though.

"That would be amazing you are my favorite photographer to be honest" I say chuckling. "Am i good for the pictures tho? This is all I brought with me" pointing to my outfit and face.

"You look great don't worry" he tells me and I blush. He's so nice wow. He tells the boys and we walk over to some rocks. It's my first time in front of a real camera, besides the ones for school pictures. I've never really had a photo shoot before so I don't know what to do. Bryant must have sensed it.

"Hey Lia, is it ok if i call you that?" he asks and I nod. "Just be yourself. There are so many pictures you don't have to look perfect in every single one. You look great and you should flaunt it! Now come on and work it for me" He said, using a girly voice for the last sentence. I laughed and followed what he said.

We traveled all around the area taking pictures. It was super comfortable and fun! He made it such a great experience. After thirty minutes we headed back and saw the guys still sitting there. They all just stared at me as I got back. I put my arms over my stomach, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Well you guys didn't get very far" Bryant said laughing. They all laughed with me and nodded. Grayson still stared at me and when I caught him he quickly looked away. That was awkward.

"Lets go in the water!" Aaron yelled and took off his shirt. He ran towards the water with Ethan following. I took off my pants and Grayson took off his shirt. Damn. He's ripped. I need to work out more. He grabbed my hand.

"You ready?" He asked. I nodded and then we started running into the water. Of course Bryant was still snapping some pictures.

We all just played around and had a great time. I was looking at the boardwalk from the middle of the ocean when I turned around and saw the sunset. I gasped and it must've been loud because everyone looked at me. They looked at the sunset also and gasped. It was stunning. I love sunsets but I've never seen a California one. This one definitely takes the cake. It was so beautiful. Ethan takes my hand and pulls me out of the water. We get to sand, with Grayson and Aaron following. Grayson looked at Ethan and my's hand and I could see his jaw clench. He cleared his throat and gave Ethan a glare, I guess signaling him to drop my hand. He did really quickly and I saw Grayson relax. Wow someone's jealous.

We ran over to Bryant who wanted to take pics of us in front of the sunset. I was too busy staring at it to even pose. Grayson just started giggling at me.

"What?" i asked smiling.

"You're just so happy. It's cute..." he said, becoming quiet at the end. I blushed and just looked back at the sunset.

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