23- Welcome to Set

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I get to Paramount Pictures thirty minutes before they said I should be there. It would have been 45 if I didn't stop for Starbucks. Today is just a table read and camera testing. I arrive at the security gate and show them my id. They check my name off a list and open the gate.

"Welcome to Paramount Pictures Ms. Evans. I'm Jonas, the security guard."

"Please just call me Amelia. It's really nice to meet you."

"You too, Ill see you around"

I drive through the gates into PP. There are so many people here. Most are crew but I do see some people that seem super important. There are also golf carts roaming around getting from one place to another. I get to Studio 15 and see a parking space with my name on it. Woah this is insane. I get out of the car, grab my bag, and take a picture of the sign so I can send it to my family. I was sending it when I see someone pull up next to me.

"Well well well if it isn't THE Amelia Evans" Aidan says.

"Aidan!" I yell, giving him a big hug. "How are you?"

"Pretty tired. I see you're doing great"

"I have so much energy right now. I'm honestly really nervous right now" I tell him.

"Don't worry. You're going to be great! Come on lets go make our way to the read" he says and we make our way across the street into the executive offices. This must be where all of the important people for our show work. We sign in at the front desk and take the elevator up two flights. We get out and go to the receptionist.

"Hi I'm Aidan Alexander and this is Amelia Evans" Aidan tells the young woman.

"Nice to meet you. Go on down the hall to the first door to the right." she tells us. We thank her and follow the instructions. Aidan opens the door and we see some of the seats already filled up. I see Alexander and a girl in her late twenties talking. It's Phoebe Tonkin. They notice us and get up to say hi. Aidan and I say hi to Alexander and turn towards Phoebe.

"Hi you must be Amelia and Aidan. I'm Phoebe, I play Donna." Donna is a senior at the high school who is neighbors with my character. The rest of us play juniors who are joined together because we break people's hearts. It sounds cliche but it's a lot deeper and darker than that. It's honestly really good. It's like a mix of Riverdale and One Tree Hill. It's so weird because Phoebe is ten years older than me in real life but plays 1 year older than me in the show. It's a curse and a blessing to look older but same for her for looking younger.

We give her a hug and take a seat. Dylan comes in followed by older actors and actresses who are playing the adults in the show. The director, producers, and writer come in last and take a seat. We all go around the table and introduce ourselves and get started.

"And that's a wrap!" The director says after the last line has been said, making everyone cheer. That wasn't as bad as I thought it was.

"Amelia, Aidan, Alexander, Dylan, and Phoebe need to stay and the rest of you guys can go" the main producer says. Soon everyone but us, the director, and the writer has left the room.

"Hey guys, you all did amazing at the table read. I know you are as excited for the show as I am! We want to take a few pictures so head to your hair and makeup trailers and we will get started in two hours." The director, Daniel, tells us and we all leave the room.

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