27- First Fight

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I arrive and knock on the door.

"Hey Lia, Grayson isn't home right no-"

"I know" I say, interrupting Ethan and walking inside. I just start breaking down.

"Hey what's wrong?" he asks, pulling me into a hug.

"Why does Grayson play with my feelings? I really thought he liked me but now he's hanging out with Loren at some party and he's still so quiet about Laurie and I just hate this Ethan. I like Grayson a lot and he obviously doesn't think I'm good enough."

Ethan immediately breaks the hug and bends down so we are eye level.

"You are more than good enough Amelia. I don't know why he's at some party, he left while I was sleeping. I know he wouldn't do this without a reason, he's not that much of an asshole. Did anything happen between you guys?"

"Not that I know of. We were so good yesterday and then brunch rolled around and he was being secretive again."

"He's probably just jealous. All these guys want you Amelia and you are so busy. He just wants to hang out with you but he can't."

"That doesn't give him the excuse to go hang with girls that he knows hate me and just want to fuck him."

"Woah did I just hear our little princess say fuck?" Jack asks, coming into the room to get a drink. "Woah Lia are you okay?"

"No i'm not fine Jack. I want Grayson but I can't have him."

Jack comes over and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm texting Grayson right now" Ethan announces.

"Ethan. No." I tell him.

"I'm not gonna say anything. I'm just telling him to come home right now and that he better not do anything he will regret."

"Great so if you didn't text him he would've hooked up with Loren?"

"No Lia he wouldn't do that. I'm just reminding him because I don't know if he's drinking or not." he tells me, which doesn't make me calm down. What happens if there is alcohol?

"He texted me that he's on the way. I'm gonna set you up a shower so you can relax. It always helps me relax. Come up when you're ready." Ethan tells me before running up the stairs. Why couldn't I have fallen for Ethan?

"Lia everything will be okay. He just went to some stupid party that's all. He loves you a lot Lia. If he does something stupid I'll beat the shit out of him alright?" Jack tells me. I giggle.

"Alright. Thanks Jack" I say, giving him a hug before I go upstairs. I go into the bathroom and see Ethan feeling the water. I go up behind him and give him a hug.

"Thanks Eth. I love you so much" I say. He turns around and hugs me back.

"Love you too Amelia. Your towels are hanging on the door. I grabbed one of my or Grayson's sweatshirts to put on when you get out. I'm not really sure whose it is. I put some shampoo and conditioner on the side. Here's a new bar of soap and a new razor so you don't get herpes or something." he says and I chuckle.

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