17- Goodbyes and Hellos

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I wake up to my alarm. 9:15 am. I was about to hit snooze when I realized I had breakfast with my dad this morning. These were going to be the last few hours of him here with me in LA before he goes back home. I get up and just start to get changed. I decide to shower once I get home because I'm not in the mood. I throw on an oversized sweatshirt with some sneakers (outfit above). I put my hair in a bun and put my sunglasses on top of my head. I brush my teeth, grab my wallet, and walk into the living room. I see my dad sitting on the couch, looking through Facebook.

"Hey Dad" I say, weakly smiling. Although I do love being independent, i'm going to miss him a lot.

"Hey princess, you ready to go?" he asks me

"Yeah, I'll take the carry on and you can take your luggage." We go out to the car and put everything in the trunk.

"You should get an actual car instead of this rental. You've always wanted that jeep" he tells me

"You do realize i'm broke right?" I tell him laughing.

"After you get your pay check I mean. I'll pay for the rent until your next one"

"Wait are you serious?" I ask him, i'm so confused right now. We have like no money why is he offering to pay?

"Yes, i'm just going to miss you so much I want you to be happy"

"I love you so much dad!" I say giving him a hug. We both get in and begin our route towards breakfast. We go to LA Cafe. We stay there for about an hour, eating and reminiscing on past times. I take the check and pay. We go back to the car and start our way to the airport. It's now 11 and his flight is at 1:30.

As we pull up to the airport at 11:30 we both are crying. We get out and get his luggage. We stand there hugging for about 2 minutes until we are interrupted by someone yelling my name. Grayson. We pull apart and see him coming over to us. He's smiling but stops once he sees me. He quickly comes over with a worrisome expression.

"Lia are you okay?" He says pulling me into a hug. I look at my dad over his shoulder and he looks at me confused. I mouth "Grayson" to him and he nods, winking at me. I just shake my head and rest my head on Grayson's shoulder. He pulls away and looks at me.

"I'm okay." i tell him.

I signal for him to turn around so he does and sees my dad.

"Oh hi Mr. Evans." He says, rubbing the back of his neck. I chuckle and so does my dad.

"How are ya Grayson" he asks, holding out his hand. Grayson takes it and they shake.

"Hey Amelia" I hear someone else yell. Ethan comes trotting on over. He notices my dad. "Oh hello".

"Dad this is Ethan Dolan" I tell my dad.

"Oh yes the other one. Nice to finally meet you" He says, shaking Ethan's hand. Ethan chuckles.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask them.

"We are picking up our friend, Jack" Ethan tells me.

"Jack Dail?" I ask and Grayson nods.

"Woah he's the reason I know who you guys are!" I tell them.

"So we weren't enough for you without Jack?" Ethan asks and we all start laughing.

"I hate to interrupt but I better get going Lia" my dad tells me and the tears start again. My dad almost starts crying as well but I can tell he wanted to keep it together not just for me, but to impress the guys. We hug again and say our goodbyes. He says goodbye to the twins and enters the airport. Grayson gives me a hug and I cry into his chest.

Charmed• g dolan Where stories live. Discover now