48- H&M

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I wake up the next day at 9 am. I check my phone and see multiple texts, including one from Grayson.

Shopping at 1?


Cool. We'll pick you up at 12:45.

I check my other messages.

Gray told me what happened. Just know he's really upset over it and that he really likes you. Are you ok?

Yeah bs Ethan. I respond.

I'm fine actually. Thanks for asking, see you soon!

I'm not fine but I know he's going to tell Grayson what I said. I can't let him know he hurt me because then he will just want to start things up again out of pity and things will be even more awkward.

Hey Amelia. Meet me on Laurel Canyon Blvd on July 25 at 12:30 pm. We will try on some outfit ideas.

I miss you so much already.

I respond to my messages and get up. I make myself some toast for breakfast and hop in the shower.

I get out and put on some moisturizer. I decide to go against makeup today to let my skin breathe. I put on some jeans and a graphic tee. I blow dry my hair a bit and grab my sunglasses. I still have 20 minutes until they're here so I just sit on the couch.

I hear a knock while I was in the middle of watching one of Shane Dawson's video. I answer the door and see Grayson and Ethan standing there.

"Hi" I say awkwardly.

"Hey" Grayson says back, equally as awkward.

"You ready to go?" Ethan asks and I nod. I lock my door and we head to their car.

"So where are we going?" I ask.

"H&M" Ethan says.

"Oh cool" I say. I would've thought they would go somewhere fancier but whatever. We arrive at this giant building.

"This isn't H&M" I say.

"It's their regional office" Grayson tells me.

"Oh my God what?"

"Yeah" he says laughing.

"We are partners with them so we are wearing their stuff for the carpet. They give us clothes for free" Ethan says and I gape my mouth.

"This is amazing" I say. They both laugh and Ethan parks the car. We head inside. We go up an elevator to floor 4. We get out and go to the receptionist.

"Hi we are here for Linda" Ethan says to the lady. She presses a button on the phone and tells someone, i'm assuming Linda, that there are people waiting for her. We wait a minute until a woman in her early forties comes up to us.

"Ethan! Grayson!" she says, giving them hugs.

"Hey Linda. How are you?" Grayson asks.

"Much better now" she says and they laugh. She turns towards me and introduces herself.

"And you must be Amelia. I'm Linda, it's so nice to meet you" she says while shaking my hand.

"You too!" I say back.

"Alright guys follow me!" she says. We leave the front and follow her past all the people working on fashion mannequins or on their computers. We enter what looks like a giant walk-in closet with racks of clothing, a large ottoman, mirrors, and a curtain separating this room from a dressing room. I wish I had this in my life. Linda goes over to the racks of clothing.

"Here are some items I think you guys should wear. Pick and choose and go try them on." she says. She goes to the ottoman and sits down. Ethan and Grayson go to the racks marked with their name and begin browsing. They get an outfit and go to try them on.

"No" I say to Ethan as he walks out. He really doesn't know how to dress stylishly.

"Why not? I thought it looked fine"

"The colors don't match at all" Linda says, taking my side.

"Fine. Amelia go pick out an outfit." he tells me before going back into their little dressing room. I get up and go to Ethan's rack of clothing. I pick out a blue checkered shirt, navy pants, and a bow tie. An amazing idea comes to my mind. I go over to Grayson's rack and grab tan pants, a white shirt, and a bow tie. I run over to the curtain.

"Ethan I have your stuff." I say. He opens the curtain to reveal him and Grayson. Grayson is shirtless in his underwear. He notices me and just stands there awkwardly.

"Thanks Lia!" Ethan says.

"Oh and Grayson um I got you something too." I say. He smiles and I give him the clothes. I shut the curtain and sit back down on the ottoman.

"So what'd you pick out?" Linda asks.

"You'll see" I tell her with a smirk.

Grayson and Ethan both come out at the same time. They look at Linda and I for approving looks.

"Damn" Linda says and the boys laugh.

"Do you like it?" Grayson asks, looking at me.

"Yeah you look great." I say, staring at Grayson. "You guys look terrific" I say again, emphasizing the guys. Ethan definitely noticed I was only paying attention to Grayson at first. He just smirked and looked away.

"How do you guys like it?" Linda asks the boys.

"I look real good" Ethan says which makes me laugh.

"Yeah it's really nice. Good job Lia" Grayson says and I smile.

"Alright go for those. You will get all the girls at the show with those outfits" Linda says chuckling. My face grows sullen and I just look away. She's right. Grayson's going to have so many girls drooling over him at the show he will just forget about me. Ethan noticed me.

"Well we are just going to focus on the show. Nothing else" he says. I look at him and he gives a small smile. I do the same.

The boys get changed into their original clothes and give Linda the outfits for the awards. She puts them on a hanger with a white bag over it. We thank her and head back to the car.

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