46- Changing Roles

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The next day I get up to my alarm for work. I hop in the shower and do all my normal stuff. I enter the living room to see all the girls waiting for me.

"Why are you guys up? It's 8:30." I say.

"We wanted to say goodbye to you" Hailey says.

"Aww guys" I say, tears streaming down my face. "I'm gonna miss you guys so much." We do a group hug. We end it and I go to hug each of them individually. My phone buzzes in my pocket. I check it and see Hannah texted me.

"Your scene starts at 10. Come straight to makeup once you get here."

"Guys I have to go. My first scene is in an hour and a half." I tell them.

"Alright. I love you so much Lia" Sophia says, bringing me into another hug. I say goodbyes to everyone and get to my door.

"Bye guys I love you" I say looking back.

"We love you too. Now go or else you'll be late!" Jenna says crying. I give a soft smile and leave my apartment. I run to the elevators and make the one just about to close. I get out on the garage level and head to my car. I'm still crying over them leaving but pull it together quickly, knowing they wouldn't want me to cry because i'll see them soon. I put on the radio and "Sorry Not Sorry" by Demi Lovato comes on. It was released yesterday and I already know all the lyrics. It's my favorite song at the moment.

I'm still upset over Grayson but this song is helping me get over it. I know he still likes me but for right now he wants to focus on being friends. I'm not going to sugarcoat it and say it's fine. It's not. It really, really sucks. And I know he thinks it's benefiting me because I won't get so much hate but it's not at all. I'm getting hate anyways from hanging out with him in general. I miss talking to him as more than a friend. I'm just going to have to make him want me even more.

I get to Paramount and park my car in my space. Neither Aidan or Dylan are here. I run to makeup because it's already 9:10.

"Finally!" Hannah says when I enter her trailer. I go into the chair and try to control my breathing from running so much. She immediately starts working on my face.

"So what's going on with you and Grayson? Are you guys dating yet?" she asks while putting on my mascara.

"Just the complete opposite actually"

"Wait what?" she says, stopping and backing up to look at me.

"He said that we should postpone our date until it feels right"

"No he didn't"

"Yes he did"

"That fucker!"

"Hannah!" I yell at her.

"Sorry sorry! I'm just pissed right now. You guys were doing so well" she says, continuing my makeup.

"I thought so too."

"At least he said postpone it. Like it's still happening."

"Yeah but I don't know when. I asked him and he said he doesn't know right now. He mentioned our careers too so I have no clue if he means when I finish filming or he was just cancelling the date but trying to do it politely. And he said until it feels right. What if it never feels right to him?"

"Oh it will. You're a catch Lia. He's going to go insane without you." she says and I smile. "And we are all finished." I give her a hug and go to Marco's trailer.

"Amelia!!" he says excitedly. He gives me a hug and sits me down in the seat.

"Hey Marco" I say back.

"Hannah just texted me that you have to fill me in on something."

"Of course she did"

"So what's going on?" he asks, starting on my hair. I tell him everything I told Hannah.
"Okay so what i'm getting at here is that you guys were supposed to go on a date soon and he changed it to later because he doesn't think the timing is right?"

"Yeah basically"

"Why isn't the timing right?"

"He says that the fans will get really protective over him and that we both have our work."

"Doesn't he realize that you two are only going to get bigger and bigger? Right now is actually the best time before you go off and start dating Justin Bieber or someone."

"I thought this was great timing too! It doesn't matter though he made up his mind."

"I'm sorry girl. You're too good for him anyways." he tells me, putting down his equipment. I leave the trailer and head to wardrobe then set.

We start immediately because i'm the first scene of the day. It's a really sad scene so I have to cry. I mentally thank Grayson and the girls for choosing these past 24 hours to make sad things happen. Thankfully, we get the scene right on the first try so my crying wasn't wasted. I go back to makeup for quick touch ups because my crying ruined it. This whole day is just scenes with me in it so that's why the others aren't here.

I get to set and Daniel calls me over to him.

"There's a change to the script. Instead of Will being the new guy who's your love interest for a few episodes, we changed it to George. Everything is the same, your lines are the same, we just took Will out of the whole show and gave George those parts so he's a bigger role now."

"Ok that's fine" I say, before realizing something. "Wait, who's playing George?"

"Kian Lawley"

"Oh thanks" I tell him before walking away. Oh no.

I turn around and see Kian sitting in a chair, talking to one of the producers. He notices me and waves. I wave back before going over to him.

"Hey Amelia. Did you hear about the change?"

"Yeah Daniel just told me"

"Cool isn't it?"

"Yep" I say awkwardly.

"Don't worry it's just a show" he says. He probably thinks i'm worried about kissing someone other than Grayson. I mean I am, but i'm nervous what Grayson's going to do once he finds out.

The story behind George is that he's the new guy and I use him to try and ignore my feelings for Mason, Aidan's character. Most of our relationship is based on sexual attraction. There's a lot of hooking up between the characters, so that means Kian and I are going to have to make out so many times. And we are going to have to do multiple shoots of the same scene.

This is not going to end well.

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