42- On Our Way

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My alarm rings at 7 am. Sophia and I get up. I hop in the shower and she goes to wake everyone up. I shave my body thoroughly and even do a shower face mask. I am so ready for today. I get out after 45 minutes and moisturize my body after I dry off.

Sophia is on her phone waiting to jump in the shower, Hailey is doing Sammy's makeup with her hair already done by Sophia, and Jenna is doing her hair. Sophia runs off the bed into the bathroom to go take a shower. I look at the time. 8:05 am.

"Why are you all in my room?" I ask them.

"Because you have a giant ass mirror and the best lighting" they tell me and I nod.

As I wait for my hair to dry a little bit, I do Jenna's makeup. I don't do much because it's hot outside and we are going to be running around but she looks gorgeous when I finish.

"Wow who knew I had cheekbones" she says when she sees herself. We all laugh and continue getting ready. Sophia comes out of the shower and I kick everyone out so I can get ready without any distraction. I blow dry my hair and decide to leave it plain and down so I can easily throw it up in a bun if I need to. I brush my teeth and even use mouthwash which makes me almost cry. I go to my vanity and start applying my makeup. I put on primer, concealer, bronzer in my crease, mascara, powder, brows, bronzer for my contour, highlight, and blush. I set the shit out of my face with my new setting spray so everything stays in place. I get dressed in the outfit I bought yesterday and slip on my white Nike high tops. I find a pretty necklace that my mom bought me and go into the spare room so someone can put it on me.

I enter the room to see them all taking selfies while Sophia finishes up her hair. Sammy comes over and puts on my necklace.

"Lia bring sunglasses" Jenna says to me.

"I'm not sure" I tell her.

"Lia you have to. I don't want to get mobbed by people who recognize you" Hailey says and I just shake my head. I go back to my room and grab my Ray Ban Clubmaster sunglasses. Sophia and Sammy are bringing small backpacks so the rest of us can put our stuff in there too because we don't want to bring too many bags. I put my sunglasses, mascara, concealer, powder, chapstick, and wallet in the front pocket of Sophia's bag. I also shove in a portable charger because we definitely will need that.

I go to my giant mirror and take a whole bunch of pictures of me and my outfit. I open up Snapchat and put a video on my story of me in the mirror showing off my outfit while "Wild Thoughts" plays in the background. Madison Beer, Maggie Lindemann, Cameron Dolan, and Olivia O'Brien comment on my story about how I'm slaying. I take a selfie with Sophia and send it as my streaks. I get a snapchat from Aaron of Grayson singing in the car. I just laugh and turn off my phone.

"10:15 everybody lets go!" Jenna yells from the living room. I take one last look at myself and head to the living room.

We leave the apartment and go to the garage. We hop in my baby and start our journey towards Disney.

I connect my bluetooth so I can get directions and play music. We stop by Starbucks to get some drinks and then follow the route. About 10 minutes in I get a facetime call from Grayson. Sophia, in the front seat, answers it and holds the phone for me.

"Hey Gray" I say to him.

"Lia guess what we just saw!" he says excitedly.


"You! On a billboard!" he exclaims.

"Grayson what the hell are you talking about?" I ask him. I'm so confused.

"Are you off the highway yet?"

"No I'll be off in 8 minutes."

"Well once you get off keep an eye out for a giant billboard for Breakers. It's on the right side."

"You're joking! This is insane"

"Nope I saw it with my own two eyes"

"Alright I'll text you when I see it."

"Ok bye" he says and hangs up. This is so cool! I'm on a billboard! Everyone keeps staring at the right side of the road, preparing for it.

Once we get off the highway I see a billboard in the distance.

"I found it! I found it!" Sophia exclaims and points to the billboard I saw. When we are near it I pull over so we can look at it. It's a picture of Aidan and I with Breakers written huge across the sign. "Coming this winter on MTV" is underneath it. I take a bunch of pictures underneath it to show my friends back home and Grayson. I send it to him and he responds with heart eye emojis. I also send it to my family group chat but no one responds yet. This is one of the coolest moments of my life. We go back into the car and drive the rest of the way to Disneyland.

Charmed• g dolan Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang