50- Back to the House

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I park in their driveway. I get out of the driver's seat and lock my car after Kian gets out. He unlocks his door and we go inside. I see Jc setting everything up and Corey sitting at the counter eating a sandwich. Bobby is upstairs and Franny isn't home.

"Hey guys" Kian says to them.

"Kian get over here we need to film!" Jc yells. Kian and I go to Jc. "Oh hey Amelia" he says. I say hi and give him a hug. "Corey get your fat ass over here and say hi" he tells to Corey. Kian laughs and Corey gets up and comes over.

"What do you wa- oh hi" he says, noticing me.

"Hi i'm Amelia" I say, stretching my hand out for a shake.

"I'm Corey" he says, shaking my hand. He goes back to the counter to eat his sandwich.

"So you can sit here Amelia." Kian says, pointing to a part of the couch that's not in the shot. I sit on it and watch them finish setting up. "Bobby! Get down here and help with the camera!" Kian yells to Bobby upstairs. I hear someone walking downstairs along with paws going down the stairs too. He enters the room and sees me.

"Amelia!! Why didn't you guys tell me she was here?!" he says. He tackles me in a giant hug. I laugh and hug him back.

"Oh yeah Bobby your favorite person or whatever is here" Kian says and we laugh. A small dog puts his paws on the couch to try and be with Bobby.

"Dicaprio!" I yell. Bobby gets off of me and puts the dog on the couch with me. I pet his little head and he comes over to lick my face.

"Dicaprio not on the first date!" Jc says to the dog and we all just laugh.

They begin their video and I sit on the couch, watching while petting the dog. It's a hot seat for Kian.

"I got all these questions from twitter. The people are asking for answers Kian, are you ready?" Jc asks him.

"Yes. I am so ready" Kian responds.

"Ok. First question: what is one thing you love and hate about me?"

"Is that really the question?"

"Yes. What is one thing you love about this beautiful face, this hot body" he says, slapping his chest. I'm trying so hard not to laugh. They go on with the game, Kian answering all these questions like why does he try to kiss everyone or is he single.

"Do you have a crush? And if yes say the last letter of their name" Jc asks Kian. Kian quickly glances at me then back to the camera.

"I actually don't have a crush. That's a lie. I always have one."

"So what's the last letter?"

"I don't have a crush I can't answer that." What?

"You just admitted to having one"

"Fine. The last letter is an A" he says. Oh.

My eyes go wide and I make eye contact with Jc, whose eyes are equally as wide. I look back down at Dicaprio and just pet his little head.

"I didn't expect you to answer that" Jc says to Kian.

"Well it happened. We don't slack for KnJ" he says. Then Jc and him get all loud and crazy again going on about how they don't slack on their channel.

They finish their video and turn off the camera. Bobby goes back upstairs and Dicaprio gets off of me to follow him. I pout and say bye to Dicaprio.

"So how'd you like it?" Jc asks.

"You guys are insane" I say laughing.

"Well I'm gonna go get some In-N-Out. Bye Amelia!" he says and I wave. He gets his keys and heads out the door.

"Lets go upstairs" Kian says to me. I follow him up the stairs and into a room. It's his.

"Nice room" I say to him. He thanks me and jumps on the bed. I shake my head and sit next to him.

"Can we talk for a minute?" he asks and I nod. I already know what about. "Ok so you probably know what i'm talking about. But in the video when I said the last letter of my crush's name, I said A" he says, pausing to give me a chance to speak.

"Yeah I noticed" I say. He looks at his fingers for a bit.

"I still like you Amelia. After hearing what happened between you and Grayson my feelings resurfaced."

"Oh" is all I can say.

"I'm sorry. I know it's kind of weird because you're only 16 but you just have a late birthdays so technically you'd be like 17 which is still weird but kind of better. And you're also my costar but a lot of people date their costars like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. But that didn't turn out great but that's a personal problem. And it's also weird because I dated Ethan's ex and now I like Grayson's ex but it's not like I purposely do it. You just make me fall for you every second and it's driving me crazy Amelia"

"Don't apologize. I mean yeah it's weird but in the long run it wouldn't matter. Also Gray and I didn't date. But right now I still really like Grayson and I'm trying to stay hopeful that maybe Grayson and I can be together. You're such an amazing person Kian. I'd marry you if I could" I say laughing at the end. "Just you're one of my closest friends Kian and I don't want to ruin that." He nods and puts on a fake smile.

"I understand. But if nothing happens between you and Grayson can you promise me one date? Just that much of a chance. If you hate it then I will give up, but if you don't then maybe we can figure something out. Please?"

"Ok deal." I say. He does a real smile this time and brings me into a hug.

"And don't tell Grayson about this stuff. I don't want him to hate me even more" he says and I laugh before agreeing.

We spend the next few hours watching Jim Carrey movies. He's in love with him and does his best impersonations of him. I record one of them for snapchat and post it on my story. He is making me laugh so hard that my stomach hurts. Bobby comes in with Dicaprio. Bobby and Kian go back and forth impersonating Jim Carrey while I cuddle with Dicaprio. I slowly drift off to sleep.

I feel water droplets on my head. I quickly get up and jump off the bed. I see Bobby, Jc, and Kian all looking at me laughing. Dicaprio got up from my sudden movements and followed me to the floor.

"You guys scared poor Dicaprio!" I say to them.

"You did that from your jumping" Kian says.

"If you guys weren't about to drench me in water I wouldn't have done that!" I exclaim and they all laugh. I get up off the floor and check my phone. 10:11 pm. I was sleeping for about thirty minutes. "I should go" I say to them. I go downstairs and they all follow me. I grab my wallet off the counter and say goodbye to them.

"Text me when you get home" Kian says and I nod.

"Bye Corey!" I yell to Corey and leave their house.

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