3-Settling In

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We begin unpacking as soon as we've calmed down. The apartment isn't too small but it a decent size for one person. It has a master bedroom and bathroom, a 1/2 bath, a kitchen, living room, and another spare room. I am not sure what I am going to turn that into yet.

We start with my bedroom. My dad used to be a set designer and stage crew director so he puts everything together so easily. It takes me forever to fold one item of clothing. After two hours, my bedroom is complete! We do the living room and call it quits for the night.

We haven't eaten all day so we decide to go out to eat. We walk to Urth Cafe, because I've heard so many good things about it and everyone goes there. We sit outside and just people watch and talk about everything. I love my dad, he's my best friend. My dad and I used to not be as close. Ever since my mom went to prison we've gotten so close it's insane. My mom is still my best friend from behind bars. I don't consider her a criminal, she made a mistake but she admitted to everything. She's only in there for less than a year. She's so strong i truly admire her.

We finish our meals (that were extremely good btw) and my dad decides he's ready to go to sleep. I tell him i'm going to get fro-yo and that I'll meet up with him at the apartment. He agrees and heads home. Home. So weird to say.

I find this cute frozen yogurt shop nearby. I love frozen yogurt. I get cake batter fro-yo with rainbow sprinkles, strawberries, and pineapples. My go-to. I sit and just enjoy the dessert. I hear the door jingle and I look up. It's Jake Paul and his friend Chance. He's vlogging of course. I've watched a few of his videos and know about Team 10. In a huge fan of AJ Mitchell. I'm a fan of literally everyone, i'm such a fangirl it hurts. It won't be good for me out here.

Jake and I make eye contact and he smiles. I smile back and go back on my phone. They start to head out and then I hear them talking to people. Well, more like yelling.

"Yo Ethan!! What's good my dude?!" Jake yells.

Ethan? As in Dolan? Definitely.

"Hey bro we're just grabbing some fro-yo!" Ethan tells him. I look up at see them doing the whole dap hug thing. I will never get how every guy knows that. I tried to learn and it's so complicated.

Jake says hi to Grayson and they talk for a bit. Soon Jake and Chance leave and Ethan and Grayson come in. I sit there on my phone pretending I'm not paying attention. They probably think I'm stalking them or something. I swear I'm not!

"Eth look behind you" I hear Grayson whisper to Ethan, or attempt to whisper. I can feel Ethan's eyes on me. He turns back around and continues putting on toppings.

"What do we do" Ethan whispers back.

"I don't know dude. Maybe not do anything"

"Dude no we have to introduce ourselves!"

How many times are these guys going to say dude?

I brace myself for them to come up to me. I get off my phone and focusing on finishing up my dessert. I look up and see them both looking at me. They quickly look away and I chuckle a bit. They pay and come over to me.

"Mind if we sit?" Ethan asks me

I look at all the empty chairs and tables before looking back at them.
"Um ok" I manage to say.

"I'm Ethan and this is Grayson" he says. Grayson smiles and waves. I smile.

"I'm Amelia, nice to meet you"

"I'm not sure if you remember but I was in the airport today" Grayson says

"Yeah I remember. Mainly the mob though" I say laughing. They giggle too.

"Are you new to LA?" Ethan asks

"Yeah I just moved"

"That's really cool! We heard about your new show too. We are kind of excited about it" he says awkwardly giggling.

"Oh thanks. I'm excited too" I say back.

"Maybe w should hang out sometime. You seem really chill" Grayson says to me. I'm a little hesitant to respond, they probably only want to hang out with me because of the show.

"Um I'm pretty busy but maybe. Don't you guys have to film and stuff though?" I ask

"Oh so you're familiar with our work" Ethan says, smirking

"Yeah" I giggle "Everyone knows the Dolan Twins"

"Well I don't know about that but we don't film all the time. Come on it'll be fun!" Grayson says

"Ill have to see. Just dm me or something and I'll let you know" I say getting up. "Well it was nice meeting you guys. See you around." I wave back to them before throwing out my garbage and heading out the door. I look through the window to see them talking. Did I seriously have a conversation with the Dolan Twins? And did they seriously know who I was?

Charmed• g dolan Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora