22- The Plan

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I wake up the next morning to my alarm. My first day at work! I get up and hop in the shower. I'm so excited that I move so fast. I'm running on so much adrenaline. I get out and dry off. I sit on my bed and check my notifications. Even though it's 8 am, I still have so many texts.

"Hey honey. Good luck today! I love you so much, have fun."


"Good luck today! Say hi to Dylan for me😍"

"Hey Lia. Good luck today! I know you'll do great. Let me know how it goes"

"Good luck today Lia! Don't go thinking you're the talented sister because of this tho. Still love ya"

"Good luck at set! Can't wait to see you on tv ❤️"

"Hey Amelia. Just wanted to say good luck today! Make sure you keep me updated throughout the day. I know you'll do great"


All of them are people back in New York because it's a later time for them. Except, Grayson? Why is he texting me this early? I open up his message and see he sent it at exactly midnight. Wow he's devoted. I smile before texting back:
"Thanks Gray! Text you later :)"


"I think I like Grayson" I tell Bryant. He cheers through the phone, making me laugh.

"Finally! I thought you would never admit it!"

"Well I did and now I have no idea what to do. I don't even know if he likes me back and I have work and I just don't know what to do Bryant."

"Listen Amelia, Im pretty sure he likes you too. He talks about you when we are hanging out and you guys are always so happy together. I wouldn't be surprised if he did like you. And with work, you aren't working 24/7. You go to set a few hours a day and have the rest of it to hang out. You basically have all of the first two episodes memorized already so it's ok. You don't have to stay home and memorize lines all day."

"You're right"

"So why do you like him?"

"I don't know Bryant. Ever since I met him we've obviously connected. He kissed my cheek that night after the beach and it may have been a little gesture but it felt like the world to me. We can talk for hours about anything, light or deep, and it won't get awkward. On Saturday I called him up because I wanted someone to show me around LA and he took me to so many places. We went to the Escape Room and he made sure I was okay like every second. When we got out he picked up and spun me around and I never wanted it to end. I always feel safe in his arms. Last night I slept over the warehouse and he stayed with me. I rested my head on his lap and he played with my hair as I fell asleep. I woke up and heard him talking about how if he found out I liked him he would ask me out and the guys all kept saying he had a crush on me and it just made me happy. Then he came upstairs to wake me so I pretended I was still sleeping. He called me beautiful because he thought I was still sleeping and I was trying so hard not to smile and just kiss him right then and there. Today he knew I was stressed out so he came by with frozen yogurt and helped me practice my lines and ugh Bryant!"

"God Amelia you're really into him"

"I know! And I have no clue what to do"

"I'm going to plan a shoot with them and I'll ask him about it then. During the shoot you can swing by and then i'll go to shoot you in private but instead i'll just fill you in on everything. It'll be so great" he says. I don't think i've ever seen anyone so proud of themselves. He just conducted this amazing plan and he knows it.

"Wow Bryant who knew you were a genius too!" I say. We both start laughing.

"Alright alright. I'll try for this Friday. Is that good for you?"

"Yeah I have Wednesday and Friday off from shooting this week so I just go in for a few hours. I can't promise anything because they may want an emergency shoot if we don't finish Thursday but Friday should be good."

"Great! I'll start their shoot at 5:30 and you can join us whenever you are ready. I'll text you my location and all the details."

"Thanks so much Bryant! You're the best!"

"Anything for my Lia! Fingers crossed!" He says. We say our goodbyes and hang up.

End of Flashback

I go into the bathroom and blow dry my hair. I have no clue how i'm supposed to style it or anything so I just leave it down. I brush my teeth, moisturizer my face, and put on a plain white tee along with some leggings and sneakers. I put my scripts in my bag, along with a water, apple, phone charger, wallet, and chapstick. I grab my phone and keys and head out the door.

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