53- Party

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"So he literally pushed you off of him? Are you ok?" my friend Isabelle asks me over facetime.

"No i'm fine it wasn't aggressive. It was just to get me off of him. But yeah that's basically what happened" I tell her.

"That's so weird"

Isabelle is my go-to girl that I tell about my relationships.

"So what's happening back in New York? I miss it there so much!" I say to her.

"Ew why would you miss it here?" she says laughing.

"There's no Grayson" I say and she rolls her eyes. "So what's all the gossip? Fill me in!"

"Well there is one thing I should tell you..." she says quietly.

"What is it?" I say nervously.

"Henry got another girlfriend" she tells me.


Henry was my ex. He was verbally abusive to me, like calling me fat when he knew I was insecure about it. When I asked him for a break he hooked up with two girls the next day. So that was my breaking point when I finally ended everything. He would sub me on everything saying how much he missed me and would make sure that guys never liked me. He treated me like I was his property and still did following our break up.

"Well who is it?" I ask.

"It's u-um it's Jordyn."

"Jordyn?! As in Jordyn Rice?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yep" she says. Jordyn and I are really close friends. Why didn't she tell me?

"Wow. But whatever it's none of my business now" I say.

"Lia I know you still like him a bit"

"No I-I don't"

"Don't lie to me"

"Fine. It's not that I like him but I just get jealous. He's just going to be that guy that I will always love" I admit.

"I feel you. I don't think they'll last long anyways. He still brags to people that you guys dated" she says laughing. I just roll my eyes.

"That sounds like him alright" I say and we laugh.

"So how's your mom?" she asks me. She's one of the only people that know about her.

"She's okay. Her court date is coming up so we will find out when she gets released!" I say excitedly and she cheers.

"That's great! I was worried she wouldn't be able to see your show"

"I hope she will. I'm not sure though"

"Well I've got to go. Tell Grayson to stop being a dick for me and good luck to Mama Evans! Love you baby" she says.

"Aww ok. I love you and miss you. Talk to you later"

"Bye" she says and hangs up. I go to my messages and text some people.

Hey J can we talk?


Can you tell Mom to call me soon? I miss her.

I get a text immediately from Jordyn asking me what's up.

"I know about you and Henry..."


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't know how you'd react. Plus you're some big star now you don't even care about us anymore"

Charmed• g dolan Where stories live. Discover now