55- Hospital

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My alarm wakes me up at 7 like usual. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and jump into the shower. This definitely helps me wake up. Last night I couldn't go to sleep. I got about two hours max.

I get out and get changed. I brush my teeth and quickly towel dry my hair. Marco doesn't like when I blow dry my hair because it makes it harder to style for some reason. I get changed and exit my room. I look into the spare room and the living room and see the two boys both passed out. I'll just text them once I get to set to let them know when I'll be home.

I go to my car and drive to work. My manager meets me in my trailer because she needs to sign the permission slip thing.

"Hey honey how are you?" she asks once I get into my trailer.

"Could be better." I say and sit down on the couch. "The slip is in my folder" I tell her and she goes into my bag to get it.

"What's going on?" she asks.

"I got no sleep last night."

"Do you want me to see if they could move your scene to a bit later?" she asks me.

"No don't worry about it." I say and put on a fake smile. I really just want to sleep right now but i'm not going to be a diva and make them move my scene, especially since this is my first job.

"Okay let me know if you need anything. I'll be on set watching you." she says, handing me my paper. She says bye and leaves the trailer. I follow her out and check my itinerary. My first scene is in three hours.

I go to makeup despite the time I still have.

"Hi Hannah" I say, entering the trailer.

"Well hello to you too" Dylan says from the chair.

"Sorry. Hi Dylan" I say chuckling. I sit down on the empty seat next to Dylan as Hannah does his makeup.

"God you look exhausted." Hannah says to me.

"Thanks" I say sarcastically and roll my eyes.

"One second Dylan" she says to him and goes over to one of her bags. She pulls out under eye masks and comes over to me. "I'm going to put these on to help with those bags." I look up and she puts these weird jelly things on my face.

"Hannah it's cold and feels weird" I complain.

"You'll thank me later" she says and goes back to Dylan.

I go onto my phone to check my messages. My heart races when I see I have 6 messages. I open the app and check for the one person I'm looking for but it's not there. Grayson still hasn't texted me back. I sigh and just go through my other messages.

Hey honey, Mom can't call because she's been busy with her classes. Be on the look out for a call later along the way though. Miss you 😘

Girl Gang (gc with Sammy, Sophia, Jenna, and Hailey):
29 Days until Teen Choice Awards!! -Sophia

Can't wait to see you on the carpet Lia! You better kill it -Hailey

Ofc she's gonna kill it! -Jenna

Girl I miss you! taking care of the dog is so much work

Shoot soon?

I respond to the messages and text Aidan and Froy that I'm at work and will be home to take Froy to the hospital at around 5. I leave messages and go on snapchat. Grayson still sent me his streaks last night. So he's just ignoring me. Great.

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