40- Exes

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I used to really like Meredith. She's honestly one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. She released a sunglass collection with Forever 21 and just walked her first runway show and she's only 17! It's honestly insane how far she's come. People give her so much crap because of the rumors that she cheated on Ethan but she said more about their relationship than Ethan ever did. Grayson never said anything about Meredith cheating so I don't know if it's true or not. I'll ask later.

"Fuck me" Ethan says and turns his head to face the wall so she won't see him. Grayson takes his phone out and puts it in front of his face. They've obviously done this before. I just keep drinking my drink. I look so awkward.

The door jingles again and of course it's Kian fucking Lawley. Is there no other restaurant open today or something? He's with Bobby and Franny. Bobby and I make eye contact. Oh no.

"Amelia!" he shouts and walks over to me. I look at Grayson who quickly looks at me then back on his phone. I get up and meet him halfway so he doesn't see the guys.

"Hey Bobby" I say, giving him a hug. Kian comes over and gives me a hug too.

"I've missed you" Kian says. I just smile and glance behind me at Grayson. He's not covering his face with his phone anymore. He's staring right at us. I look back at Kian who is now talking to Bobby. Franny comes over and says hi as well.

"So when are we going to hang again? This time without Kian trying to make out with you every second" Franny says and her and Bobby laugh. Out of the corner of my eye I see Grayson getting ready to come over here. I put my hand behind my back and signal a "no" with my finger.

"Um soon! I'm really busy but I bet we can figure something out" I tell them.

Meredith walks past with her friend to get to her seat and Bobby notices.

"Hey Mer" he says. She turns around and gives him a small hug.

"Hi Bobby" she says. She looks at Kian and just smiles. He does the same and they look away. She waves hi to Franny and goes to her seat.

"Shit" I say out loud by accident.

"You good Lia?" Franny asks.

"Yeah I just realized I forgot something at work that's all" I say, giving a half smile. I think she bought it. The truth is Meredith is sitting right next to my booth. Luckily it's on the side of Ethan's head but she can still see Grayson and I. I look and see Grayson back on his phone, hiding his face.

"Do you want to sit with us?" Bobby asks.

"I'm already with some people right now. Thanks though." I tell him and he nods.

"Oh how did I not notice Grayson?" Kian says. "Hey Gray!" he yells to him. I look back and see Grayson give a small wave. Meredith looks up and notices Grayson. Her eyes go wide and she just looks down at her phone.

"Well i'll let you get back. Text me later?" he asks and I just nod. I hug Bobby again and go back to my table. The second I sit down Grayson puts his arm around me, like he's marking me as his property.

"Really Gray?" I scoff and he just stares down Kian as he sits down, not paying any attention to me. I take his arm off me and get up. "I'm going to the bathroom." I say and walk away.

I walk into the bathroom and just stand over the sink. I'm not his property. He never shows me affection in public because of fans and stuff but the second Kian comes in he shows me off. He just shows me off to prove to others and I don't like that.

The door opens so I flip on the water and wash my hands. It's Meredith. She comes over to the sink as well and starts to fix her makeup. I dry my hands and take out the mascara from my pocket. She finishes her touch ups and turns to me.

"You're Amelia right?" she asks and I nod. "I'm Meredith. It's really nice to meet you"

"You too" I say, finishing up my mascara.

"I'm really excited for Breakers! When is it coming out?"

"I think sometime in the winter. The date will be official in August." I tell her and she nods.

"Well I gotta go. Nice meeting you" I say and smile before walking out the door. I take a breather and then walk to the table. I see Ethan staring at me and then Grayson turns around. I sit back down and he immediately starts talking.

"I'm sorry Lia. I just don't like seeing you guys together."

"Well it's going to be happening a lot more now. He's coming on set Tuesday and will be in like two more episodes so I'll be with him a lot."

"Oh" is all he says.

"Grayson you can't be getting jealous over these things. Kian and I are friends and that's it. Sure he tried to hook up with me but it's over now. He was drunk. I don't do this with Loren. She came over to me the other day and kept talking about how you guys hooked up and I didn't look like I was about to punch her in the face like how you look with him. I just told her I know the truth and she walked away. I trusted you so I didn't bother with you. If you're getting all protective over me you obviously don't trust me enough." I say to him.

"I do trust you Lia. I just don't like all these guys drooling over you."

"Grayson there's at least ten girls drooling over you daily."

"I'm sorry. I'll try to stop being jealous but sometimes it's just involuntary."

"It's ok Gray." I tell him and he gives me a hug. I hug him back.

Meredith comes out of the bathroom and Ethan doesn't know what to do with himself.

"Oh my God just relax. Just look at Gray and I and don't even acknowledge her." I say to him and he nods. He literally is staring at us so hard and Grayson and I just burst out laughing. This makes Ethan laugh too. The waitress comes over and gives us the check. We pay and head out. I give Meredith one last look and see her staring at us. I walk out the door and feel free from all the tension.

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