54- MM

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"Hey Olivia!" someone yells behind me.

"Meredith!" Olivia shouts and goes over to her. I turn and see her. She's wearing all black: black thigh high heels, black shorts, black bodysuit, and black sunglasses on her head. She's with two other guys who I guess she came with. One looks like he could be her brother and the other I've seen on instagram a few times.

"Guys this is Amelia." Olivia says and points to me.

"We met right?" Meredith asks me.

"Yeah at Kreation I think" I say back.

"Oh yeah!" she says.

"I'm Daniel" the guy who looks like her brother says to me.

"And I'm Markel" the other guy says.

"Nice to meet you" I say with a smile.

"Can we take a picture?" Daniel asks me.

"Me?" I ask confused.

"Yeah I'm a fan"

"Oh of course" I say. He hands Markel his phone and we take a picture together.

"Thanks" he says smiling and I nod.

"So are you the girl dating Grayson Dolan?" Markel asks me. Meredith just glares at him.

"No" I say giving an awkward laugh.

"So are you dating anyone?" Daniel asks.

"No i'm single" I say and he smirks. Oh Lordy.

"Well it was nice seeing you again" Meredith says smiling and walking away with Markel and Daniel.

I turn around and go hang out with Maggie, Denzel, and Rickey. We dance for the rest of the night. They are the best company. I always see Daniel staring at me out of the corner of my eye. It's really uncomfortable.

At 1:15 Aidan and Froy tap me on the shoulder.

"Can we go soon?" Aidan slurs, he's drunk.

"Why?" I ask.

"We have pounding head aches" Froy says and I laugh.

"Alright let's just say bye to everyone" I say and they nod. We say bye to the people we know and head toward the door.

"Hey! Amelia!" I hear someone yell behind me. I turn around and see Daniel running towards me. He has his phone in one hand and a joint in the other. God he smells like drugs.

"Hey we were just leaving" I say to him.

"I know I just wanted to say bye" he says and pulls me into a hug. He lets go of the hug and kisses me. I push him away and see Markel just standing there smirking. I flip him off and leave with Aidan and Froy. Well I thought I was. I notice they aren't with me so I turn around and see Froy punch Daniel in the face.

"Don't ever touch her again" Aidan yells at him.

"Guys stop!" I yell and go sit on the floor next to Daniel to see if he's okay. "Are you ok? I'm so sorry" I say to Daniel.

"Yeah i'm fine. Just tell your friends they better watch it next time" he threatens. Meredith comes running over to Daniel.

"Daniel are you ok?" she asks him.

"I'm fine Mer go back to partying" he tells her.

"What happened?" she asks me.

"Well um-"

"Your brother here tried hooking up with Lia without her permission so I socked him" Froy says to Meredith, interrupting me.

"I'm sorry" I say and get up. "Guys let's go" I say to Aidan and Froy and they follow me out of the club. We walk past the bouncer and all the people in line to get in even though it closes in half an hour. Aidan runs over to a garbage can and throws up. Froy goes over to him and rubs his back. How the hell am I supposed to take care of two drunk people?

Charmed• g dolan Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant