24- Lush Life

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We head to everyone's trailers and I see mine.

"Oh my God" I say out loud, making Aidan laugh.

"You're right next to mine!" he says and I do a small cheer. We check the sheets outside our trailer doors and see the names of our hair and makeup artists. Marco is doing my hair and Hannah is doing my makeup. I head over to Hannah's trailer first. I knock and she opens the door, revealing a beautiful woman of maybe 35 who is my soon-to-be makeup artist for the show.

"You must be Amelia! Come in, come in!" she says as I go inside. She pulls me into a hug and I hug her back.

"I'm Hannah, your MUA for the season and hopefully the whole show!" she says laughing.

"I'm Amelia! I can't wait to work with you"

"Sit, sit! I'm going to turn you into a goddess!" She tells me.

"Okay so we are just doing pictures right now for the cover and stuff. Your first shot is on some fake roof of a house. So we are doing a casual glam for right now. But don't worry, the next shoot won't be as boring!" she tells me.

"Let's get started!" I say, clapping my hands. During her doing my makeup Dylan comes in for his makeup too. While we wait for me to be done we have really nice conversation. He's a great guy.

"Alright doll you're all finished!" Hannah tells me. I look in the mirror and see how amazing the makeup is. It may be simple, but it's perfect in every way.

"Thank you so much Hannah. This is incredible! You definitely need to teach me your tricks one day" I say, making her laugh.

"Of course I will! Now come on over Dylan let's get touched up!"

I take my bag and leave to go to hair. Marco's trailer is a few down from Hannah's. I knock on the door and it opens revealing a man in his early 40s it seems like.

"Hi i'm Amelia" I say.

"Oh yes! Come on in. I'm Marco, it's so nice to meet you!" He says, holding out his hand. I accept and shake. I sit down in the chair he points to and set my bag down in the other chair.

"So Amelia I'm your hair stylist for the show. Tell me all about your hair."

"Oh well I've dyed it twice. Once in September and the other time in April. The first time was just balayage and the second was highlights. It gets oily very quickly for some reason. And I think that's it."

"Alright well I'm going to tone your hair to give it a blonder look. They want a golden blonde to fit the beach theme or whatever. The highlights in your hair right now are perfect so I just need to tone it for right now. Along the way I may have to dye it a bit more but for now it should be good. Im also going to cut your hair so there are some wispy bangs but it's just for the show so if you don't like them you can put them to the side. I'm going to trim your hair just to clean it up. The first shot is on a roof so I'm going to put your hair in a ponytail so it looks casual."

"Ok sounds good!" I tell him. I'm really living the lush life. He tones my hair, rinses it, and dries it. He puts my hair in the perfect ponytail and waves it a bit so it's straight but not perfectly straight.

"And voila!" He says, pulling out another strand in the front of my face. I am so in love.

"Thank you so much Marco!" I say, giving him a giant hug.

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