15- Final Destination

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"Grayson what ar-" I was in the middle of asking him when I see he's not in the driver's seat. Suddenly my door opens and I jump. I hear Gray's familiar laugh and I get out of my car, smacking his arm. He takes my hand and I look at it, then up at him. He notices and is about to undo his hand when i stop him.

"Gray it's alright" I say, giving him a reassuring smile. He smiles back and grabs my hand again. We walk across the street and stop in front of a building. Escape Hotel Hollywood.

"You ready?" he asks me and I nod.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I reply. And with that we walk in.

I don't know how they let us do a room with only two people but it happened. I'm a little nervous, actually a lot nervous. I know i'm going to be extremely scared. I get scared pretty easily. We are about to go in when I tense up. Grayson must have noticed.

"Hey Lia it's ok. I'm not leaving your side. We will find a way out and kick this room's ass!" We both start laughing.

"Alright I'm ready" I tell him and the lady about to open the door. The lady smiles and ushers us into the room. BANG. G and I turn around at the noise. It was the door being slammed shut. We are officially locked in.

"GRAYSON! WHERE THE HELL DO WE START?" I ask him, looking around the room.

"I don't know! I'm not some expert!" he tells me, putting his arms up defensively.

"Oh my God we're gonna die in here!" I say walking around in circles. Grayson is just laughing at me.

"Alright alright alright we aren't gonna die Lia. Lets just take things step by step and we will figure it out."

"Ok so we are in some sort of hospital room. And the way for us to get out is right behind that door" I say thinking out loud. We go over to the door and take a look at it.

"A rim latch lock" I hear Grayson say. I double over in laughter. "God Grayson how much of a loser are you?!" I say, still laughing. I can see him trying not to laugh as he attempts to be mad at me. "I'm joking i'm joking! So can we just pick it? I mean I'm really good at it. Don't ask how" I say.

"I'm asking how."

"Grayson we only have 93 minutes left!!" I tell him.

"Sorry!" He puts his hands up defensively, "And no we can't. It's not easy and I'm sure we would be banned from this place if we broke their lock" He tells me. We both start laughing.

"Alright so where do we start?" I ask

"How about we split up so we cover more ground?"

"Are you insane Grayson?!" I yell, "Have you ever seen a horror movie?"

"Amelia it's not like we don't know where we are!"

"It's really dark and I'm scared and we don't know what can happen and you promised you wouldn't leave me and-"

"Ok ok!" he interrupts my rambling "We won't split up. So come on let's get cracking!" He says, very proud of himself as if he thinks he's an actual spy. I just laugh and we start at the beginning.

He tells me all about what kind of key we are looking for. Soon enough we find clue after clue after clue. We are down to 20 minutes left, already completing 80 minutes. By now we start to freak out a bit. We are both scrambling all over the place, not caring about fear. We just want to get the hell out of this scary place. I open a dresser drawer we found a key to and click. It wasn't the sound of the lock being opened, it was an actual click.

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