Chapter 2: It's Jim's Fault

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Now, this is gonna be a short chapter but it's quite important if you ask me I mean the most amazing things come in small packages and so on. I don't really remember how that saying goes but you get the idea anyway.

Anyhow, onward!


You know when you are leaving a room and try and make yourself as inconspicuous as possible but you end up doing something that makes all the attention that is already on you but in like a side eye kinda way be fully on you? I stood up and was quickly shoving the limited stuff I had on the table (a pencil) into my fluffy backpack, it had googly eyes all different sizes even better? They glow in the dark! Just the thought made me do little happy dance in my head. Anyway I was trying to make the least amount of noise and sneak away even though Mrs Buttpie teacher lady was giving me evil eyes as she carried on with her lesson. I had almost escaped when I was yanked back slamming into the door and falling putting my hands out I grab the door handle to catch myself but it shift under my weight and opens so I fall back into the classroom. As I stared at my class from the floor I realised that someone needs to scrape the gum off the desks, the art it's much better but that's for another day. I get up and dust myself off salute to the class and I was off!

I took a right, then a left, then I carried on walking till I get to some doors opened them and carried on walking until I got to the main reception where I would go through to see the head teacher Mrs B. I don't know the rest of her name so I just call her B. It suits her well because I know she has a name that begins with a 'B' so I can't be too far off, can I?

"How can I help you, dear?" The lady at the reception asked me but I was too busy to actually listen to her even though I did listen just not with all my attention.
Does that make sense?
Syd: No.
She sounded and looked like the reception lady off Monsters Inc. It was scary how alike they were that sometimes I think I'm Sully or Mike. Normally, Mike because I can relate to the height struggles.
My eyes flickered around not staying on anything long getting bored of the idiocy that is life. I make my eyes go cross eyed to pass the time.
"Oh. Um, I'm meant to go see the head but I didn't do anything wrong, I just answered my teacher with a very reasonable answer; I mean Lady Macbeth could totally be transgender for all we knew and could be going through a hormone trip and being confused I mean it's quite logical-OMGTHERESACAKESALEONTORROW!!!!YUSSTHEYAREONLY50PEACHYUSSSSSSS" I start doing a little happy dance as I spot the poster next to the reception making me super happy. Happier than the time that I was in a box with my brother for a week.
Ahh, good times.
The receptionist cleared her throat regaining my attention back to her,

"Just go right in there, dear." She didn't smile at me but then again I don't think she can smile; I swear if she tried to smile I think her face might crack from how unnatural it felt. Maybe her wrinkles are the only things that are keeping her face together. Is that what happens when you get old your face begins to sag and you have to use wrinkles to hold it in place? Why don't people just use duct tape it works for Christmas boxes and trees and you know everything really, I once used it to fix a scratch I caused on my brothers car. :D

Anyway as I glide *cough cough* I mean awkwardly attempt not to face plant before I get to Mrs B's office I remember my llama. He's only small and he's sorta like a teddy but he's the best he has an orange sparkly bow tie and has these amazing derpy eyes so when he looks at people he looks in two different directions that made him so special! Anyway, I had to name him of course so after an hour and a half (yes, I timed it), I came up with the best name I could ever think of. JIM. I've had Jim years and we're the bestest of buddies ever!

Now you're probably wondering why the heck I'm even talking about Jim, and I shall tell you. It was all his fault. I mean if I didn't remember him and the fact that he was in my bag, then the rest of this story would never have happened because there wouldn't be any reason for this to happen.

So, I repeat myself this was all Jim's fault.
Edit (06/11/19)
Tbh I did add quite a bit of stuff but I think it flows more??? Whatever I need sleep.

Yeah I know for a second chapter this is terrible but I can assure you it really was Jim's fault.

Bye, love ya, ya llama nutters you.

PS don't forget to vote and comment, please...

PPS If you wanna cuz you don't have too

PPPS: but it would help...

Goodbye now.

I'm Not Crazy Yet (editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon