Chapter 9: Mr Coco

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Now chasing anything that has more legs than you is always difficult, but chasing a small ball of fluff is harder when you're as unfit as me. My form of exercise consisted of eating. You move your arms and mouth.
Anyway, after about three-billion hours,
Syd: less than five minutes but okay.
I had lost sight of the puppy and was out of breath my breathing sounding like a broken train.

"Carrots! I really wanted that puppy." I say out loud while flopping on the grass around the back of the house.

Syd: Well you lasted a long time. I mean I didn't know you could keep pace with a puppy for a whole two minutes

"I know right! I think I deserve a medal, all those fancy runner people get medals for running." I reply to Syd.

Suddenly I knife is throw out of nowhere and lands just next to me. Jumping I looking up to see a stranger walking toward me with a scowl on his face. If he was looking at me I'd probably be dead.
Syd: He is looking at you!
Cyd: Pish posh!
Now as we all know I am not so good with the whole describing thing; I mean I did a half decent job with Mr Fancy and Gunner, but my head hurts from using my brain too much so I let Syd take over.

Syd: Yey! I love describing people! Anyway, in one word I would say yummy.

Cyd: Nah he's not as yummy as cake.

Syd: Shush. He was this really really really tall dude that had these really pretty eyes that were this strange grey almost silver colour.
They were just so pretty!!! I mean I could literally stay and stares at them forever I wish I had his eyes in a jar. Or you know what I might as well take the whole of him he is so pretty.

"God, Syd stop fangirling. It's impolite." I scold, Syd for her silliness

Syd: I WASN'T FANGIRLING! *clears throat* I wasn't fangirling he's just pretty and I want him to have my babies.

"How the fuck did I miss?" It was more of a mumble but I heard it anyway; probably due to the fact he's less than a meter away from me.

Syd: Oooh that voice... I don't even know how to describe it without being weird... Oh well... His voice was deep but that deepness of when you talk in front of a fan which is kinda weird but I don't care it sounds like melted chocolate.

"Oooh, I like melted chocolate!!!" I jump up and down while still sitting down. I'm too lazy to stand up. Now Mr Coco ( I had to name him and if he's melted chocolate then this works *drools like Homer from The Simpsons* Ooh chocolate.) is looking at me strangely but I don't care. He does look pretty...

"Who the fuck are you? Why are you on our property? I know you're not supposed to be here. Cause I don't remember seeing you around here, I would remember someone like you."

Syd: Aww, cheesy pickup lines!!! <3 <3 <3
Cyd: I mean ignore the death threats but okay.

"I mean your crazy can be seen from a mile off"

Syd: Annnnnnd, ya ruined it.

"Hey! I am not crazy...So...Um, yeah there!" I stick my tongue out at him and cross my arms and huff mumbling about how he's mean and pretty and stupid and mean and icky and pretty and how his eyes are like spoons.

"Huh? My eyes are like spoons?" Oh, I forgot he was there.

Cyd: Hey Syd can you finish describing him he's mean.

Syd: Kay. So where was I..? Oh, I remember! He was hot, with a capital 7! He was built but in a lean muscular way kinda like a swimmer. He had longish hair that was longer on the top than the sides but still long on the sides. It was wavy and messy that looks like he either just rolled out of bed or had some really good sex. Oh god I'm rambling about hair! The dark strands caused a striking contrast against his pale skin which was basically like paper but you know in a more non dead way. He was dressed head to toe in black similar to Gunner but Mr Coco had more style. His shirt was basically clinging to him-OMG I think I died a little!!!!

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