Chapter 21: Kai and the Cart

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Edited (07/02/20)
Apparently, I try and please others to feel valid??? Like I stopped that shit when I was 8! I do what I want, act as I want and if someone has a problem they can take it up with management. I have only ever changed my appearance for me, yes I have dieted but that was because I wasn't happy in my body so I changed it to make me happy not anybody else. Yes, I have dressed in completely random clothing but not for attention but because it made me happy! Yes, I listen to heavy metal but I also listen to boybands and pop stations! I don't close my mind off to fit a 'style' because if I like something I'll bloody well say I do! I am opinionated and will stand up for things I believe in, I don't care if you are apart of the LGBTQ+ community you are a human being you deserve respect and love if I offend you say something and I'll correct myself! Which pronouns do you want to be known as? Fucking tell me because I can't just know that until you tell me but I will try my best to call you those.
I belive that genders should be equal, that means men and women have the same opportunities, same medical leave, same wages, same respect and same accountability!
People of colour are beautiful and deserve everything that any other person on this planet has, needs or wants! There should never be hate toward fellow humans because of race, the only reason for hate is if that person is a bigoted, racist bully they do not deserve a say, fuck 'free speech' if you have values of histories worst you should not be allowed your 'free speech' you do not deserve the time of day.
I am an atheist and always have been, I don't believe in Gods but I do not push my beliefs on others. If you want to believe in your God/s want to worship fucking do it! But I don't want you to push your beliefs on me or anyone else, I have my opinions and reasons and so do you, you can't just make someone see your point of view religion is a spiritual connection one has. Your family may have brought you up with a certain religion but that does not mean you need to follow that, you are your own person and can believe anything you want!
I grew up in a single-parent household and although we struggled it was one of the reasons that made me the person I am, I met so many different people poor and rich, every colour under the sun, every religion, I have known people who came out to me before anyone else and I just smile and treat them the same as I have beforehand (unless they want to be called other pronouns so then I change what I call them). I have met gypsys/ travellers, teen parents, women and men who have been in abusive relationships and have overcome that. Men and women with severe mental health problems who own their own businesses have large families! I have accepted anyone and everyone with open arms because they have a story to tell and are just great people! Yes, I've met racists and bigots, yes I've met men who would take advantage of women, although I hate how they act I have always said that sometimes they need to be taught how to respect others. Everyone deserves a chance to redeem themselves and some people try, others refuse and they deserve punishment fit for the crime.

Okay well, I'm sorry for the rant, well I'm not. But I hate that people get labelled when no one is a label, we are humans! As long as you respect others I will respect you. Simple as.
Okay well onto the story!
Once the male accepted my kidnapping I pointed him toward our table with the still arguing group. When we arrived it took a few minutes before anyone noticed us, Ashton's was the first to notice us he does a weird double take taking in me clinging to my now kidnapped thing.
"Uhh, Cydney what are you doing?" He says his dark eyebrow rising slightly and his nose scrunching, I roll my eyes
"Duh, I've kidnapped this thing  here so I can perform experiments on it!" I then poke the ginger creature in the face as it looks uncomfortable shifting slightly from side to side, making my eyes narrow better not try and run away thing, I refuse to run but I bet Ashton will run for me!

Syd: He won't.
Cyd: Not with that attitude!
Syd: *deep sigh*

Ashton takes a deep breath and rubs a hand down his face glancing quickly at the others who had focused their attention to us, didn't know they stopped arguing. "Cydney you cant kidnap people!"
"Well, apparently I can because here we are!" I would have crossed my arms but they were kinda attached to the creature so I didn't fall and it didn't run away. Ashton focuses his attention on the creature letting out a deep sigh before talking to the creature
"Okay, what's your name?"
The creature clears its throat "Uh my names Kai," My head snaps to this 'Kai' creature I gasp and hit it over the head
"Weird creature you never said you have a name!" 'Kai' rubs the back of his head where I hit him
"Um, I have a nametag?" I just scrunch my face up weird being say what? "I just thought that you saw my nametag, you know on my um apron?" I just roll my eyes and poke him in the face
"Well 'Kai' you are now kidnapped and if you run I'll get Ashton to run after you!" Giving him my best don't mess with me look.
"I will not chase after Kai," Ashton says almost straight away, my head snaps to him
"Assshttoon! You have toooo! I can't run!"
He gives me a weird look "Why not?" I just roll my eyes
"Duh because exercise is the worst and should not be required."
Mr Fancy clears his throat looking slightly calmer "Cydney why do you want to kidnap this poor soul?" I roll my eyes once again Man if i roll my eyes anymore they'll fall out my head!
"Because 'Kai' is a weird undiscovered specimen which I need to do thorough tests on to determine the species!" These people are so dumb! And I thought they were at least semi-smart!
Mr Fancy gestures for Kai to sit on the chair but when I refused to get off him so he could sit Ashton grabs me and sits me on his lap while I pout. Stupid meany pants always being mean to me! Here I am trying to be the best carrot in existence and they're just super mean to me! I mean how dare they?!

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