broken hearts.

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Long chapter

I regret it.

I didn't mean it.

I didn't mean to get all in her face.

I didn't mean to scream at her innocent pure soul.

I'm driving around and all I can hear is the ringing in my head. The anger at myself. I see movement and I instantly jolt up.

"Maximus!" Colin shouts.

I stop the car and the guys open the door to let him in.

"Maybe she left you dude" Dan speaks up. I see in the mirror that the guys are giving him a nasty glare. I ignore it. He's the least of my concerns.

"El isn't like that" Justin growls.

"She wouldn't leave us" Brandon says not leaving his glare.

"Ok but I'm just saying s-" I cut him off by swerving to the side, making him hit the window.

"SHUT UP!" I grip onto the steering wheel and speed up.

"She's around here somewhere" Colin and Aaron keep their eyes looking out the window.

"it's about to pour" Justin clenches his jaw and so do I.

"I'm not going home until she's back" I stay stern.

"I agree" Brandon nods.

I drive around for about 30 minutes before turning on the highway.

And that's when I see her.

Drenched in the cold rain. I pull up to the curb slowly so no puddles splashed her. I unzip my signature red jacket and run out of the car, followed by the guys.

"Butterfly!" I run up to her. She pulls her head down and keeps walking. She's about to walk into a huge puddle so I quickly jump in front of her... resulting in me falling in the puddle. I hear the guys laugh their asses off and I shoot them a deadly glare before turning back to Butterfly. Her eyes are red and swollen from crying... "A-are you okay?" I stand up.

"Please... l-leave me alone" she takes a step back, but bumps into Justin.

"Butterfly, please listen to me... I'm really sorry and I didn't mean to yell at you or get in your face. I didn't mean any of the words I said. I was just extremely pissed at myself for letting them get away with my best friends. I-I regret it, I shouldn't have poured my anger on you. When I got home from getting the guys...when I didn't see heart was ripped from my chest knowing you left me" I kneel down and take her hand. I play with the promise ring I got her for Christmas "you promised you wouldn't... " I look up at her.

"You really hurt me Lock" she wipes her tears away and shows me her wrists. Black and blue.

And I did that.

I stand up and take her wrists and rub them with my thumbs. I put my forehead on hers and guilt and hatred washes over me.

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