6 - Dora x Boots

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× 6 - Dora x Boots ×

The Truth About Dora the Explorer

Dora was eating dinner and talking to Boots. "Honestly, Dora you realize this "Boots" is just a figment of your imagination?" Asked her mom, Ms. Ravoli.

But to Dora, Boots was real. She didn't care what others said. She loved his cute red boots. She loved his piggish habits, and his weird voice. She was a Yandere, unfortunaly and we all realize what will happen...

Dora got up from her table and threw her plate of spaghetti at her mom. She then ran away, before she could get punished without cakes for dinner. She opened the door and smiled.

"Hola amigos!" She screamed to the sky. She often pretended that the sky was an audience, or a TV broadcasting her live. Boots appeared out of thin air - since he was a imaginry friend after all. Dora then went on a adventure to kill Sniper.

I meant Swiper. I forgot his name for a second.

Swiper was swipping all the food some other guy had swiped, who swiped it.  "Swiper, no swiping!" Screamed Dora.

"Shut up," said Swiper. And Swiper swiped me and tortured me.


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