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Because why not add a new part that's a fan fiction?! Basically, my cousin Patty was gonna show me how to make my hair all nice and curly. (Its already curly, but it often gets frizzy.) So we did that, and when I finished I said, "Now I get luscious hair like Luscious Lockes. He must be proud of me!"

           Are you proud of me, Lucius?

Second Storytime I showed my four year old cousin pictures of Harry Potter characters. There's a whole story behind why I did.

So let's just go back about a year ago. I said to Leyla (my cousin) that John Cena was a mean ghost who screamed, "JOHN CENA, WATCH OUT, WATCH OUT!" And that he would smash you. So I would "smash" my cousin, and she'd be laughing.

I then told her now, that Snape was John Cena's brother and was mean. He also was emo. She doesn't know what emo means but who cares. Anyways, I was making an edit of Snape by making his lips huge. My cousin looked at it, and asked who was it. So I told her it was Snape.

She asked to see more of Snape, so I searched up SNAPE. We just looked at pictures of him, and my cousin was making fun of him. She said Snape had a weird nose. So I searched up "Snape weird nose"_ and we found a funny picture. Then that led to more pictures.

I showed her Voldemort and said he was a evil monster. She calls him more like, "Volamore" haha. Then I searched up Draco, and she saw a funny picture of him and was intimidating his face. I told her he was mean, too.

I showed her Bellatrix and that Bella was hated. Then I showed her Harry....ah. We made fun of him too.

Rest in chicken nuggets Harry Potter.

Then I showed her the Potter Puppet Pals, the one with the ticking noise. And she started singing, "oh, HARRY HARRY!" and laughed when she saw Dumbledore naked.

One day she will see Harry Potter when she's older and think, "The fluff. Why did Isabel make Harry Potter characters evil with John Cena?"

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