88 - Poe x Finn

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(I made this sometime in fifth grade in summer was in my green notebook )

"Get rekt mate." Said Poe.

"OmG how could you? We were best friends!!!" Cried Finn. "You just got Rick rolled." Continued Poe.

Finn ran away, in a state of crippling depression. Poe shrugged. "All I did was Rick roll him." He said to himself. Finn was a huge crybaby.  "They call you crybaby, crybaby." Poe sang. Meanwhile, Finn went to his room and cried.

"You know what?" Finn screamed to himself. "I'm rejoining the First Order!" Finn got up from his king's size bed. He ran to wherever Snoke is located. "Yo Snoke." He said once he found him. 'Let me rejoin the First Order." Snoke glared at Finn.

"You've got some real nerve to come in here and ask me if you can join. ESPECIALLY since you rebeled and saved a Resistance pilot." Finn gulped. "But uhm...I ended up killing him." He replied.

"No. Now you're gonna die dude." Said Snoke. "KYLOOO!" Screamed Snoke. "Eek! Yes Supreme Leader Snokey?" Asked Kylo, running inside the room.

"Kill him.." ordered Snoke, pointing at Finn.

"Oh hey, I remember you!" Yelled Kylo. "You're FN-2187!"

Finn face palmed. "My death is supposed to be dramatic." He said.

"Okay, okay. I'll be serious." Said Kylo.
"FN-2187, prepare for your execution." He said. He pointed his lightsaber close to Finn's neck. Finn gulped. Isn't this the part where someone saves me? Thought Finn. Sure enough, there was a person bursting through the door, with a lightsaber.

It was Poe...

Poe dramatically pulled the saber thingy from the other part.

(A/N: what the hell)

"Yo Ben! Let's fight." Said Poe.

"Omg!" Screamed Kylo. "You're ruining everything! I'm like trying to kill Finn here."

Poe shook his head. "Oh hell no. While in the process in writing this story, the annoying author Isabel has decided to make me develop feelings for Finn at the worst time possible. Oh, and Snoke's gonna die." (Did I predict Snoke dying in the Last Jedi??!!) Finn gave Poe a what the fudge is going on? look.

"What do you mean? A fourth wall? And an author?" Asked Finn.

"The forth wall has been demolished." Said Snoke.

"Even Bob the Builder can't fix it." Kylo Ren said, as he closed the saber. Poe rolled his eyes. "I guess this is the part where it gets all lovey dovey in the story." Said Poe to Finn. Poe then- WAIT! This story will NOT get romantic. So yeah don't worry Poe will not have to kiss Finn.

"Whew. Thank God I was really scared for a second." Said Poe, breaking the wall again. "What?' asked Finn. "Omg I heard a weird voice."

"See I told you we're in a story." Said Poe.

Yay. Well Snoke then proceeded to kill everyone in the room. Then he got a knife and committed suicide.

So the end...

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